Country Girl

Natsuco Grace (JP) - February 2015
Country Girl (Shake It for Me) - Luke Bryan

Kick Ball Cross, Big Step, Slide Touch, Step Heel Touch x2
1&2R kick ball cross L over R
3-4Big step R to right, slide L and touch next to R
5-8Step L to side, touch R heel side, step R in place, touch L heel side

Step Back, Cross, Side, Wave, 1/2 Turn, Tap, Hip Roll
&1-2Step back L, cross R over L, step L to side
3&4Cross R behind L, step L to side, cross R over L (weight on L)
5-6Turn 1/2 left, tap R next to L
7-8Roll hips to left

Kick Ball Cross, Big Step, Slide Touch, Vine Left
1&2R kick ball cross L over R
3-4Big step R to right, slide L and touch next to R
5-8Step L to side, cross R behind left, step L to side, touch R next to L

Body (Shoulder) Slide x4, 1/2 Turn, Tap, Hip Roll
1-4Step R to side & body (shoulder) slide to right, Slide to left, slide to lower right, slide to left
5&6R cross over L & turn 1/2 left, tap R next to L
7-8Roll hips to left

Chorus parts:
Enjoy free style! Shake your body, hands up or whatever you like !

Start Again! - Enjoy!

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