Kickin' Up Mud…

Unknown - February 2015
Kickin Up Mud - The Lacs

Right Diagonal Step&Touch, Repeat with Left
1 2Step R Fwd Diag, Step L to R and clap
3 4Step L fwd Diag, Step R to L and clap

Back Right Diag Step&Touch, Repeat with Left
1 2Step R back Diag, Step L to R and clap
3 4Step L back Diag, Step R to L and clap

Slight Steps Fwd w/Hip Bumps RRLL, Repeat
1 2Step R fwd and bump right hip, Bump right hip
3 4Step L fwd and bump left hip, Bump left hip
5 6Step R fwd and bump right hip, Bump right hip
7 8Step L fwd and bump left hip, Bump left hip

Cross-Recovers RRLL
1 2 3 4Cross R over L, Step R to L; Repeat
5 6 7 8Cross L over R, Step L to R; Repeat

Cross-Recovers RL, Step & 1/8Turn x2
1 2 3 4Cross R over L, Step R to L; Repeat with L
5 6 7 8Step R fwd, Turn 1/8 to left; Repeat

Alternate: For a 2 Wall Dance take 2 - 1/4Left Turns in Section 5

Note :-) : Choreographer is Unknown to me but dance is very popular! (BW)

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