36 Count 4 Wand Intermediate Musik: Honky Tonk Hall Of Fame (feat. Chris Stapleton) - George Strait
36 Count - Wand Partnerdans Musik: Honky Tonk Hall Of Fame (feat. Chris Stapleton) - George Strait
36 Count 2 Wand Debutant - Contra Musik: Honky Tonk Hall Of Fame (feat. Chris Stapleton) - George Strait
36 Count - Wand Beginner + Partner Musik: Honky Tonk Hall Of Fame (feat. Chris Stapleton) - George Strait
36 Count - Wand Danse de Partenaire - Debutant + Musik: Honky Tonk Hall Of Fame (feat. Chris Stapleton) - George Strait
32 Count - Wand Beginner Musik: Honky Tonk Hall Of Fame (feat. Chris Stapleton) - George Strait