64 Count - Wand Partner Musik: Poor Boy Shuffle - The Tractors
16 Count - Wand Beginner Pattern Partner Musik: Like She's Not Yours - The Bellamy Brothers
32 Count 4 Wand Intermediate polka Musik: The Right to Remain Silent - Doug Stone : (CD: Doug Stone, I Thought It Was You)
64 Count 2 Wand Intermediate line/partner dance Musik: If the Devil Danced In Empty Pockets - Joe Diffie
48 Count 4 Wand Easy Intermediate Musik: Here Comes the Rain Itsy - Genius + Love : (CD: Jazz & Swing for Kids)
32 Count 2 Wand Beginner Musik: Dancing Feet - Dave Sheriff
32 Count 4 Wand Improver Couples Musik: Lucky in Love - Ronnie Beard : (CD: Lucky In Love - 3:48)
64 Count 4 Wand Intermediate Musik: Valentino - Diane Birch : (CD: Bible Belt)
32 Count 4 Wand Improver / Intermediate Musik: The City Put the Country Back in Me - Scooter Lee : (CD: I'm Gonna Love You Forever)
64 Count 2 Wand Intermediate Musik: Fools - Diane Birch : (CD: Bible Belt)
64 Count 4 Wand Intermediate Musik: Everybody's Talking - Joe Sample & Randy Crawford : (CD: Feeling Good)
32 Count 2 Wand Beginner Musik: Put a Little Love In Your Heart - Scooter Lee : (CD: Home To Louisiana)
32 Count 4 Wand Improver Musik: There's No Getting' Over Me - Ronnie Milsap
48 Count 4 Wand Intermediate Musik: No More Doggin' - Colin James : (CD: Colin James & The Little Big Band, Amazon download)
32 Count 4 Wand Beginner Musik: Gotta Get to You - George Strait
48 Count 2 Wand Intermediate Musik: Fire Escape - Diane Birch
48 Count 2 Wand Intermediate Musik: One Dance with You - Vince Gill
32 Count 2 Wand Improver Musik: Let's Make a Baby King - Wynonna