32 Count 4 Wall Novice (Improver) Music: Hollywood - Maggie Rose
32 Count 2 Wall Débutant / Initiation - Contra (ligne ou cercle) Music: Happy Birthday by The Rusty Legs
32 Count 4 Wall Débutant Music: Hungover - Brandy Clark : (Album: 12 Stories)
32 Count 2 Wall Débutant Music: Wake Up - Aziliz Manrow : (Album: Let It Be Beautiful)
32 Count 4 Wall Improver Music: Honky Tonk Place To Be - The Ranchhands
48 Count 4 Wall Easy Intermediate Music: Good on You - Ward Thomas : (Album: Cartwheels)
64 Count 4 Wall Débutant + Music: George Strait - Meghan Patrick : (Album: Country Music Made Me Do It)
32 Count 4 Wall Débutant Music: Party Like Cowboyz - Big & Rich : (Album: Hillbilly Jedi)
46 Count 2 Wall Intermédiaire Music: Bounty - Dean Brody
48 Count 4 Wall Débutant + / Novice (Improver) Music: Best Thing - Steve Moakler
32 Count 4 Wall Novice / Intermédiaire Music: Till the Day I Go - Tristan Horncastle : (Album: A Little bit of Alright)
32 Count 2 Wall intermédiaire Country Music: Chicago Song - Stu Larsen
64 Count 2 Wall Intermédiaire Music: Billboard & Brake Lights - Ray Scott
56 Count 2 Wall Intermédiaire Music: Drunk Last Night - Eli Young Band
32 Count 4 Wall Intermédiaire Music: Everybody Else Can Kiss My Ass - Sunny Sweeney : (Album: Provoked)
46 Count 2 Wall Intermédiaire facile Phrasee Music: Pioneers by The Family Brown
64 Count 2 Wall Intermédiaire Music: Kinda Like Now - Aaron Scherz
32 Count 4 Wall Débutant + Music: One Day - Perfect Friction
32 Count 4 Wall Novice - Country Music: I'd Go To Jail - Dean Brody
32 Count 4 Wall Novice / Intermediaire Music: Day To Feel Alive - Jake Reese