32 Count 4 Wall High Beginner Music: Learning As You Go - Rick Trevino : (iTunes)
64 Count 4 Wall Novice Music: The Irish Soul - Johnny Logan
64 Count 4 Wall Improver Music: The Irish Soul - Johnny Logan : (Album: The Irish Connection 2)
64 Count 2 Wall Novice Music: I'll Be There - Hallur Joensen
32 Count 2 Wall Novice Music: Welcome to My Honky Tonk Nights - Thopper
64 Count 2 Wall Improver Music: I'll Be There - Hallur Joensen : (Album: Smile)
32 Count 2 Wall High Beginner Music: Welcome to My Honky Tonk Nights - Thopper
32 Count 4 Wall Novice Music: Drink by Drink - Tony Jackson
32 Count 4 Wall Improver Music: Drink by Drink - Tony Jackson : (iTunes)
32 Count 4 Wall Novice Music: I Got Stripes - Hallur Joensen
32 Count 4 Wall High Beginner Music: I Got Stripes - Hallur Joensen : (Album: Smile)
32 Count 4 Wall High Beginner Music: Hey Baby - Alabama : (Album: Dancin' On The Boulevard)
32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Music: Why Should We Try Anymore - Hallur Joensen : (Album: Smile)
32 Count 2 Wall Beginner Music: Tú Eigur Dagin í Dag - Hallur Joensen : (Album: Enn stendur hurd min opin)
32 Count 4 Wall Intermediate NC Music: How Am I Supposed to Live Without You - Michael Bolton
24 Count 4 Wall Absolute Beginner waltz Music: Let's Turn Back the Years - Hallur Joensen : (Album: Pickin' Time In Nashville)
32 Count 4 Wall High Beginner Music: Give My Love to Rose - Hallur Joensen : (Album: Pickin' Time In Nashville)
36 Count 4 Wall Low Intermediate Music: "Fare Ye Well Ritchie Remo" By Ritchie Remo
64 Count 4 Wall Improver Music: How Could I Love Her So Much - Nathan Carter
32 Count 2 Wall Beginner Music: Send Me a Letter Amanda (feat. The Bellamy Brothers) - Hallur Joensen : (Album: Stars And Legends)