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Michal "Dingo" Janák

Michal Janák - known as Dingo, is dancing since 1997. He started as young in competitive western group.
In the following years he focus more on Square Dance and Line Dance. Since 2000 is profesional square dance caller and Line Dance teacher.

Since year 2001 is club-caller and teacher of Community Dancers Brno and from thist year he is organising oldest line dance festival in Czech republic named Moravia Line held annually in the autumn and annuall dance workshops in the western city Boskovice.

Over the years he passed not only country styles also passed through different non-country styles such as Irish Dance, tap dance/clogging, WCS, Ballroom dances and dance trainer study.

In the last years he is regularly organising line dance events in Czechia, teaching in leasure time center dance classes and is active line dance DJ.

And time to time he release new choreography for public ;)

Michal "Dingo" Janák has choreographed 9 dances, of which none have been co-choreographed. Their first published stepsheet on CopperKnob is Škoda Lásky (Beer Barrel Polka) from December 2020, with their most recent stepsheet of In Love With a Criminal in May 2024.

Choreographer Stepsheet Search

Choreographer Stepsheets

In Love With a Criminal  Michal "Dingo" Janák (CZ) - 14 March 2021

    32 Count    4 Wall    Newcomer / Novice - Smooth non-country   Music: Criminal - Britney Spears : (Album: Femme Fatale)

Kamionero  Michal "Dingo" Janák (CZ) - 7 October 2019

    40 Count    4 Wall    Newcomer / Novice - Country LILT (Polka)   Music: Ty, já a kamion - Standa Čermák : (Album: Ty, já a kamion)

Kalimba De Luna  Michal "Dingo" Janák (CZ) - 27 November 2010

32 Count    4 Wall    Beginner   Music: Kalimba de luna - Tony Esposito : (long song)

El Mismo Sol  Michal "Dingo" Janák (CZ) - 16 December 2018

    40 Count    4 Wall    Low Intermediate - LILT / Novelty   Music: El Mismo Sol - Álvaro Soler : (Album: Eterno Agosto)

3L - Lovers Live Longer  Michal "Dingo" Janák (CZ) - 18 February 2012

    32 Count    4 Wall    Newcomer / Novice - Cuban County Cha   Music: Lovers Live Longer - The Bellamy Brothers

Mr. R n' Roll  Michal "Dingo" Janák (CZ) - 20 December 2020

    32 Count    4 Wall    Newcomer / Novice - Country / LILT (ECS)   Music: Mr Rock & Roll - Amy Macdonald : (Album: This Is The Life, eDeluxe)

Mambo Bells  Michal "Dingo" Janák (CZ) - 10 December 2012

    32 Count    4 Wall    Beginner   Music: Mambo Jingle Bells - Ricardo H. & Angela D'Amato : (Album: Mambo Christmas)

Pegó (Ai-Se-Eu-Te-Pego)  Michal "Dingo" Janák (CZ) - 25 February 2012

    48 Count    4 Wall    Phrased Low Intermediate   Music: Ai Se Eu Te Pego! - Michel Teló

Škoda Lásky (Beer Barrel Polka)  Michal "Dingo" Janák (CZ) - 18 July 2012

48 Count    2 Wall    Phrased Improver / Novice   Music: Škoda Lásky - Jaroslav Vejvoda


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