48 Count 2 Wall Phrased High Beginner Music: Superwoman - Titi DJ, Ashanty & Eka Gustiwana
32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Music: Spooky, Scary Skeletons - Andrew Gold : (Disney 1929)
64 Count 2 Wall Improver Music: Layin' Low (feat. Jooyoung) - Hyolyn
64 Count 2 Wall Intermediate Music: Mang Zhong (芒種) - Listening to Yinque's Poems (音闕詩聽) & Zhao Fang Jing (趙方婧)
32 Count 4 Wall Low Intermediate Music: Bongo Cha Cha Cha - Caterina Valente
32 Count 2 Wall Intermediate Music: Nobody Knows - Rumba Music
32 Count 2 Wall High Intermediate Music: Dancing With Your Ghost - Sasha Sloan
64 Count 2 Wall High Intermediate Music: The Prose of My Father covered by Li Jian
32 Count 4 Wall Improver Music: Ke Ke Tuo Hai De Mu Yang Ren (可可托海的牧羊人) - Wang Qi (王琪)