Start 16 counts in on the vocals
Toe Heel, Cross Toe Heel, Rock Step, Sailor Step
1,2 Touch Rt toe to Rt, Replace weight Rt (Click)
3,4 Cross Lt toe over Rt, Replace weight Lt (Click)
5,6 Rock Rt to Rt, Replace weight Lt
7&8 Step Rt behind Lt, Step Lt to Lt, Step Rt to Rt
Montery’s, Point, Touch, Kick, Brush, Cross
1,2 Point Lt to Lt, Make 1/2 turn Lt bringing Lt to Rt
3,4 Point Rt to Rt, Make 1/2 turn Rt bringing Rt to Lt
5,6 Point Lt to Lt, Touch Lt next to Rt
7&8 Kick Lt fwd, Brush Lt back across Rt (&), Cross Lt over Rt (weight Lt)
Rock Replace, Cross & Cross, Turn Turn, Shuffle Fwd
1,2 Rock Rt to Rt, Replace weight Lt
3&4 Cross Rt over Lt, Step Lt to Lt, Cross Rt over Lt
5,6 Step back Lt 1/4 turn Rt, Step Rt Fwd 1/4 turn Rt
7&8 Step Lt Fwd, Step Rt next to Lt, Step Lt Fwd
Step 1/2 Turn, Step 1/4 Turn, Rocking Chair
1,2 Step Rt Fwd, Pivot 1/2 Turn Lt
3,4 Step Rt Fwd, Pivot 1/4 Turn Lt
5,6 Rock Rt Fwd, Replace weight Lt
7,8 Rock Rt Back, Replace weight Lt
RESTART: Restart on Wall 4 AFTER 16 counts.
Toe Heel, Cross Toe Heel, Rock Step, Sailor Step
1,2 Touch Rt toe to Rt, Replace weight Rt (Click)
3,4 Cross Lt toe over Rt, Replace weight Lt (Click)
5,6 Rock Rt to Rt, Replace weight Lt
7&8 Step Rt behind Lt, Step Lt to Lt, Step Rt to Rt
Montery’s, Point, Touch, Kick, Brush, Cross
1,2 Point Lt to Lt, Make 1/2 turn Lt bringing Lt to Rt
3,4 Point Rt to Rt, Make 1/2 turn Rt bringing Rt to Lt
5,6 Point Lt to Lt, Touch Lt next to Rt
7&8 Kick Lt fwd, Brush Lt back across Rt (&), Cross Lt over Rt (weight Lt)
Rock Replace, Cross & Cross, Turn Turn, Shuffle Fwd
1,2 Rock Rt to Rt, Replace weight Lt
3&4 Cross Rt over Lt, Step Lt to Lt, Cross Rt over Lt
5,6 Step back Lt 1/4 turn Rt, Step Rt Fwd 1/4 turn Rt
7&8 Step Lt Fwd, Step Rt next to Lt, Step Lt Fwd
Step 1/2 Turn, Step 1/4 Turn, Rocking Chair
1,2 Step Rt Fwd, Pivot 1/2 Turn Lt
3,4 Step Rt Fwd, Pivot 1/4 Turn Lt
5,6 Rock Rt Fwd, Replace weight Lt
7,8 Rock Rt Back, Replace weight Lt
RESTART: Restart on Wall 4 AFTER 16 counts.