CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Your Last Day

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Intermediate / Advanced
Guyton Mundy (USA) & Niels Poulsen (DK) - May 2013
If Today Was Your Last Day - Nickelback : (Album: Dark Horse)
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Intro: Start after 8 counts on first clear beat in music (4 secs into track). Weight on L. Start facing 10:30!

[1 – 8] Diagonal rock, R back lock step, turn 5/8 L, behind side cross rock, ¼ L fwd
1 – 2Rock fw on R (1), recover back on L (2) 10:30
3&4&5Step back on R (3), lock L in front of R (&), step back on R (4), turn 3/8 L stepping fw on L (&), turn ¼ L stepping R to R side and sweeping L out to L side (5) 3:00
6&7&Cross L behind R (6), step R to R side (&), cross rock L over R (7), recover back on R (&) 3:00
8Turn ¼ L stepping fw on L (8) 12:00

[9 – 17] L spiral turn, walk L R, L mambo step fwd, & toe touches L R L, ¼ L with R point
1 – 3Step fw on R and turn a sharp full spiral turn L on R (1), walk fw L (2), walk fw R (3) 12:00
4&5Rock fw on L (4), recover back on R (&), step back on L sweeping R out to R side (5) 12:00
&6&7Step back on R (&), touch L foot fwd (6), step back on L (&), touch R foot fwd (7) 12:00
&8&1Step back on R (&), touch L foot fwd (8), turn ¼ L stepping L to L side (&), point R to R side (1) – Optional styling for counts &6&7&8: do battucadas putting pressure on each of the touches fwd! 9:00

[18 – 24] ½ R sweep, L jazz box, cross, L side rock, behind turn
2 – 3Turn ¼ R stepping fwd on R starting to sweep L fwd (2), finish sweep fwd turning ¼ R on R (3) 3:00
4&5Cross L over R (4), step back on R (&), step L to L side (5) 3:00
6Cross R over L (6) 3:00
7&8&Rock L to L side (7), recover on R (&), cross L behind R (8), turn ¼ R stepping fw on R (&)
* 1st restart here on wall 5 – see description at bottom of page 6:00

[25 – 32] Fwd L, ½ rumba box, back lock step back lock, R back rock, step turn turn
1Step fw on L (1) 6:00
2&3Step R to R side (2), step L next to R (&), step back on R (&) 6:00
4&5&6Step back on L (4), lock R over L (&), step back on L (5), step back on R (&), lock L over R (6) 6:00
&7Rock back on R (&), recover fwd to L foot (7) 6:00
&8&Step fwd on R (&), turn ½ L stepping fwd on L (8), turn ½ L stepping back on R (&)
** 2nd restart here on wall 7 – see description at bottom of page 6:00

[33 – 41] L back rock, ¼ R side step, reverse ½ box, diagonal R back lock step
1 – 3Rock L back opening body to L side (1), recover fwd on R (2), turn ¼ R stepping L to L side (3) 9:00
4&5Turn 1/8 R stepping back on R (4), step back on L (&), turn 1/8 R stepping R to R side (5) 12:00
6&7Turn 1/8 R stepping fwd on L (6), step fwd on R (&), turn 1/8 R stepping L to L side (7) 3:00
8&1Turn 1/8 R stepping back on R (8), lock L in front of R (&), step back on R (1) 4:30

[42 – 48] L back rock, step turn turn with R sweep, behind, side with 1/8 L, diagonal R step lock
2 – 3Rock back on L (2), recover fwd on R (3) 4:30
4&5Step L fwd (4), turn ½ R stepping R fwd (&), turn ½ R stepping L back sweeping R to R side (5) 4:30
6 – 7Cross R behind L (6), turn 1/8 L squaring up to your side wall stepping L to L side (7) 3:00
8&Turn 1/8 L stepping fwd on R (8), lock L behind R (&) 1:30

Start again

1st Restart 1st Restart happens on wall 5 (your home wall), Restart after 24 counts. However, change steps 7&8& to 7–8& and do this: Rock L to L side (7), rock R to R side (8), recover weight to L turning 1/8 L (&). You’re now facing 1:30 1:30

2nd Restart 2nd Restart happens on wall 7 (your back wall), after 32 counts. Do the R back rock up (&7) of your 4th section. Then, don’t do the full turn but add a R step lock step fw into the L diagonal on counts 8&1. You’re now facing 10:30 (your home wall) 10:30

Ending To end at 12:00: Do up to count 46 of your 8th wall (your home wall). You’re facing the 3:00 wall. Now turn 3/8 L stepping L fwd and finish the dance with a R step lock step fwd on 8&1. [12:00]

Contacts: -
Guyton Mundy (
Niels Poulsen (


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