CopperKnob Stepsheets

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You Got Away

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Niels Poulsen (DK) - April 2013
You Got Away - Ann Tayler : (iTunes)
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Intro: 16 count intro (app. 6 secs. into track). Start with weight on L foot

[1 – 8] Fwd R, tap L behind, back L, kick R fwd, R back lock step, hold
1 – 4Step R fwd (1) tap L behind R (2), step back on L (3), kick R fwd (4) [12:00]
5 – 8Step back on R (5), lock L in front of R (6), step back on R (7), hold (8) [12:00]

[9 – 16] Back rock ½ R, hold, back rock ¼ L, hold
1 – 4Rock back on L (1), recover fwd on R (2), turn ½ R stepping back on L (3), hold (4) [6:00]
5 – 8Rock back on R (5), recover fwd on L (6), turn ¼ L stepping R to R side (7), hold (8) [3:00]

[17 - 24] Behind side cross, hold, R side rock, ¼ L, fwd R, hold
1 – 4Cross L behind R (1), step R to R side (2), cross L over R (3), hold (4) [3:00]
5 – 8Rock R to R side (5), turn ¼ L recovering fwd on L (6), step fwd on R (7), hold (8) [12:00]

[25 – 32] Diagonal step touch with clap L then R, L lock step fwd, R scuff
1 – 4Step L diagonally L (1), touch R next to L and clap hands (2), step R diagonally R (3), touch L next to R and clap hands (4) [12:00]
5 – 8Step fwd on L (5), lock R behind L (6), step fwd on L (7), scuff R fwd (8) Note: lock step will be travelling slightly diagonally L - * Restart here on wall 7, see information at the top! [12:00]

[33 – 40] R vine, L heel touch, side L, twist R heel, side R, twist L heel
1 – 4Step R to R side (1), cross L behind R (2), step R to R side (3), touch L heel diagonally fw L dipping in knees (4) [12:00]
5 – 8Step L to L side (5), touch R toe down while twisting R heel inwards (6), step R to R side (7), touch L toe down while twisting L heel inwards (8) [12:00]

[41 – 48] L vine, R heel touch, side R, twist L heel, side L, twist R heel
1 – 4Step L to L side (1), cross R behind L (2), step L to L side (3), touch R heel diagonally fw R dipping in knees (4) [12:00]
5 – 8Step R to R side (5), touch L toe down while twist L heel inwards (6), step L to L side (7), touch R toe down while twisting R heel inwards (8) [12:00]

[49 – 56] R scissor step, hold, vine ¼ L, hold
1 – 4Step R to R side (1), step L behind R (2), cross R over L (3), hold (4) [12:00]
5 – 8Step L to L side (5), cross R behind L (6), turn ¼ L stepping fwd on L (7), hold (8) [9:00]

[57 – 64] Step ¼ L, cross, hold, stomp L, swivel heel toe heel next to L
1 – 4Step fwd on R (1), turn ¼ L stepping onto L (2), cross R over L (3), hold (4) [6:00]
5 – 8Stomp L to L side (5), swivel R heel L (6), swivel R toes L (7), swivel R heel L (8) – weight L [6:00]

Start again... and enjoy!

* 1 Restart: On wall 7 (starts facing 12:00), after 32 counts. Instead of doing counts 29-32 (lock step and scuff) you stomp L fwd on count 29 and hold for 3 counts.
The Restart happens towards 12:00

Ending: Start wall 9, facing 6:00, and do up to count 8 (facing 6:00). Now change your next 5 counts to: shuffle ½ L, hold, stomp fwd R. You’re now facing 12:00. Tadaahhh!...?[12:00]

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graiglas May 29, 2013
Nice easy teach dance nothing too difficult enjoyed by all levels of dancers one easy to spot restart . Well done more of these please xx

Airelle October 27, 2013
Nice improver dance !

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