CopperKnob Stepsheets

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When You Believe

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Neville Fitzgerald (UK) & Julie Harris (UK) - December 2007
When You Believe - Leon Jackson : (CD Single)
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Starts: After 40 Counts (42 Seconds into Track)

Side, Behind, 1/4, 1/4, Rock & Side, Behind & Rock & Side.
1-2 Step Left to Left side, cross step Right behind Left.
&3 Make 1/4 turn to Left stepping forward Left, 1/4 turn to Left stepping Right to Right side. (6.00)
4&5 Cross rock Left behind Right, recover on Right, step Left to Left side.
6&7 Cross step Right behind Left, step Left to Left side, rock Right across Left.
&8 Recover on Left, step Right to Right side.

Cross, Unwind Full Turn, Behind 1/4 Side, Back Back 1/2 , Rock & 1/2, 1/2, 1/2.
&1 Cross Left over Right, unwind a full turn to Right (weight on Left & sweeping Right)
2&3 Cross step Right behind Left, step forward on Left making 1/4 turn to Left, step Right to Right side. (3.00)
4&5 Step back on Left turning body to face Left diagonal (1.30), step back on Right, make 1/2 turn to Left stepping forward on Left (7.30).
6&7 Rock forward on Right, recover on Left, make 1/2 turn to Right stepping forward on Right (1.30)
&8 Make 1/2 turn to Right stepping back on Left, 1/2 turn to Right stepping forward on Right.

Step, 1/2, Step Step 1/2, Step, Sweep Cross & Behind, Sweep Behind & Rock, 1/4 .
&1 Step forward on Left, pivot 1/2 turn to Right. (7.30) (weight Right)
2&3 Step forward on Left, step forward on Right, pivot 1/2 turn to Left.
4 Step forward on Right. (1.30) (start to sweep Left here)
5&6 Sweep Left from back to front & step across Right straightening up to side wall (3.00), step Right to Right side, cross step Left behind Right. (start to sweep Right here)
&7 Sweep Right from front to back & cross step behind Left, step Left to Left side.
&8& Cross rock Right over Left, recover on Left, make 1/4 turn to Right stepping forward on Right.

Spiral Full Turn, Step, Rock & 1/2 , Sweep 1/2 , Rock & 1/4, Step 3/4.
1-2 Step forward on Left making a full spiral turn to Right, step forward on Right.
3&4 Rock forward on Left, recover Right, make 1/2 turn to Left stepping forward on Left.
5 With weight on Left make 1/2 turn to Left sweeping Right.. (Don’t rush)
6&7 Cross rock Right over Left, recover on Left, make 1/4 turn Right stepping forward Right.
8& Step forward Left, pivot 3/4 turn to Right..

Tag 1: At end of Walls 1 & 3 (6.00)
1-2& Step Left to Left side, cross rock Right behind Left, recover on Left.
3-4& Step Right to Right side, cross rock Left behind Right, recover on Right..
5-8 Step Left to Left side as you sway hips L-R-L-R (weight Right)

Tag 2: At end of Wall 2 (12.00)
1-2 Step to Left swaying hips to Left, sway hips to Right. (weight Right)

End: Music disappears… Stick with it & dance to same rhythm up to the end of Section 3..Step forward on Left.. Hold it for a Count…
then unwind a nice long slow full turn over 4 counts to finish with a pose.


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