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Too Blues For Country

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Easy Intermediate
Urban Danielsson (SWE) - April 2016
Blues for Country - The Nouveaux Honkies : (CD: 'Blues For Country')
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#16 counts intro, starts on vocal (available at Itunes)
Restart: One Restart on wall 3 after 72 counts.

Section 1: Walk x 2, anchor step, walk back x 2, coaster step
1-2Step left foot forward, Step right foot forward
3&4Lock left behind right, Step weight onto right, Step slightly back on left
5-6Walk back on right foot, Walk back on left foot
7&8Step right foot back, Step left foot next to right, Step right foot forward

Section 2: Diagonally step-lock-step x 2, pivot 1/8 right, cross shuffle
1&2Step left diagonally forward to left, Lock step right behind left, step left forward (10:30)
3&4Step right diagonally forward to right, Lock step left behind right, step right forward (1:30)
5-6Step left foot forward, 1/8 turn to right step right to right side
7&8Step left across of right, Step right to right side, Step left across of right turning 1/8 to right (4:30)

Section 3: Kick-ball-step x 2, rock-recover, triple ½ turn to right
1&2Kick right foot forward, Step right next to left, Step left foot slightly forward
3&4Kick right foot forward, Step right next to left, Step left foot slightly forward
5-6Rock forward onto right foot, Recover weight onto left foot
7&8Turn ¼ right step right foot to right side, Step left foot next to right, Turn ¼ right step right foot forward (10:30)

Section 4:; Kick-ball-step x 2, rock-recover, triple 3/8 turn to left
1&2Kick left foot forward, Step left next to right, Step right foot slightly forward
3&4Kick left foot forward, Step left next to right, Step right foot slightly forward
5-6Rock forward onto left foot, Recover weight onto right foot
7&8Turn ¼ left step left to left side, Step right next to left, Turn 1/8 left step left foot forward (6:00)

Section 5 Walk x 2, anchor step, walk back x 2, sailor step ¼ left
1-2Step right foot forward, Step left foot forward
3&4Lock right behind left, Step weight onto left, Step slightly back on right
5-6Walk back on left foot, Walk back on right foot
7&8¼ left crossing left behind right, Step right to right, Step left slightly to left side (3:00)

Section 6: Cross rock-recover, triple right, step cross, unwind ¾, triple right
1-2Rock-step right foot across of left, Recover weight onto left foot
3&4Step right to right side, Step left next to right, Step right to right side
5-6Cross step left across of right, Unwind ¾ turn left weight still on left foot (12:00)
7&8Step right to right side, Step left next to right, Step right to right side

Section 7: Heel grind, step side, behind-side-cross, rock-recover ¼ left, ½ turn x 2
1-2Cross left heel over right turning toes to left, Step right to right side (travelling to right side)
3&4Step left behind right foot, Step right to right, Step left across in front of right
5-6Rock right to right side, Recover ¼ turn left onto left foot (9:00)
7-8½ turn left step back on right foot, ½ turn left step forward onto left foot

Section 8: Jazz box, kick-ball-cross x 2
1-2Sweep and cross right in front of left foot, Step left foot back
3-4Step right foot to right side, Step left across in front of right
5&6Kick right foot forward, Step right next to left, Step left across in front of right
7&8Kick right foot forward, Step right next to left, Step left across in front of right

Section 9: Long step side, drag, together, side, touch, ¼ turn, ½ turn, triple ¼ left
1-2Step long step with right foot to right side, Drag left foot towards right
&3-4Step left next to right, Step right to right side, Touch left next to right
5-6¼ turn left step forward on left, ½ turn left step back on right,
7&8¼ turn left step left to left side, Step right next to left, Step left to left side
Note: Restart the dance here by replace the last step 7&8 to 7&8& - see below

Section 10: Jazz box ¼ right, ½ turn, back, coaster step
1-2Cross right in front of left foot, Step left foot back
3-4¼ turn right step right foot to right side, Step left foot forward
5-6½ turn left stepping right foot back, step left foot back
7&8Step right foot back, step left next to right, step right foot forward


Restart: On wall 3 Restart after section 9, but replace the last steps with:
7&8&¼ turn left step left to left side, Step right next to left, ¼ turn left step left foot forward, Step right foot next to left

Contact: Urban Danielsson, Munkholmsv.17 193 40 Sigtuna, Sweden,

Last Update - 2nd April 2016


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