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This Thing

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José Miguel Belloque Vane (NL) & Roy Verdonk (NL) - November 2015
A Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Brian Setzer Orchestra
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Intro : 32 counts - phrasing : A, A, B, A, B, A, A ,A with ending - NB : clock notation is the direction you are facing

Part A – 48 counts
A1: Chasse R, Rock Back L, Recover R, Step Touch (2X)
1&2Rf step right, Lf step together ( & ), Rf step right
3-4Lf rock back, recover onto Rf
5-6Lf step left, Rf touch next to Lf
7-8Rf step right, Lf touch next to Rf

A2: Full Turn L, Scuff R, Heel Grind R, Cross R, Scuff L
1-2make 1/4 turn left stepping Lf forward ( 9.00 ) , make 1/2 turn left stepping Rf back ( 03.00 )
3-4make 1/4 turn left stepping Lf left (12.00 ), Rf scuff next to Lf
5-6Rf cross heel in front of Lf, Lf step left
7-8Rf cross in front of Lf, Lf scuff next to Rf

A3: Step Touch, Jump R With Hold, Cross, Side, Full Turn L With Aerial Ronde
1-2Lf step left, Rf touch next to Lf
3-4Rf jump to right, hold
5-6Lf cross in front of Rf, Rf step right
7-8make full turn left on Rf whilst holding Lf in the air in front of you (12.00 )

A4: Walks Diagonally Back (L,R,L), Kick R Out, Weave, Scuff L
1-2-3Lf walk back on right diagonal, Rf walk back, Lf walk back (10.30)
4Rf kick out to right side squaring up to 12.00
5-6-7Rf cross behind Lf, Lf step left, Rf cross in front of Lf
8Lf scuff next to Rf

A5: Rock Forward L, Recover R, 1/2 Turn L, Step L Forward, Hitch R With 1/2 Turn L, Step R Back, Hitch L With 1/2 Turn L, Step L Forward , Scuff R
1-2Lf rock forward, recover onto Rf
3-4make 1/2 turn left stepping Lf forward ( 6.00 ), Rf hitch right knee making 1/2 turn left (12.00 )
5-6Rf step back, Lf hitch left knee making 1/2 turn left (6.00 )
7-8Lf step forward, Rf scuff next to Lf

A6: Rock Forward R, Recover L, 1/2 Turn R, Full Platform Turn R, Step R Out, Hold, Hip Roll CCW
1-2Rf rock forward, recover onto Lf
3-4make 1/2 turn right stepping Rf forward ( 12.00 ), make full turn right stepping Lf next to Rf
5-6Rf step right, hold
7-8roll hips counter clockwise over 2 counts (weight ends on Lf)

Part B – 24 counts
B1: Rumba Box Forward, Step Forward R, Full Turn L, Step Back R, Scoots Back ( 3X )
1&2Rf step right, Lf step together ( & ), Rf step forward
3&4Lf step left, Rf step together ( & ), Lf step forward (12.00)
5&6&Rf step forward, make 1 full turn left on Lf ( & ), Rf step back, Lf hitch up while scooting back on Rf (12.00)
7&8&Lf step back, Rf hitch up while scooting back on Lf ( & ), Rf step back, Lf hitch up while scooting back on Rf ( & )

B2: Coaster L, Syncopated Locksteps Forward With Hitches (2X), Step Forward R, Full Turn L, Out R, Hold (2X)
1&2&Lf step back, Rf step together ( & ), Lf step forward , Rf lock behind Lf while hitching Lf up (&)
3&4Lf step forward, Rf lock behind Lf while hitching Lf up (&), Lf step forward
5&6Rf step forward, make 1 full turn left on Lf ( & ), Rf step right (12.00)
7-8hold, hold

B3: Back R, Back L, Touch R, Side R, Cross, Side R, Side L, Cross, 1/4 Turn L, Forward L/R/L, 1/4 Turn L With Jump
1&2Rf step back, Lf step back (&), Rf touch next to Lf
3&4Rf step right, Lf cross in front of Rf ( & ), Rf step right
5&Lf step left, Rf cross in front of Lf ( & )
6&7make 1/4 turn left stepping Lf forward ( 9.00 ), Rf step forward (&), Lf step forward
8make 1/4 turn left jumping Bf right (6.00 )

Ending: dance last part A untill count 20 and hold it!!!!

Last Update – 12th Nov. 2015


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