CopperKnob Stepsheets

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This Ain't No Cha Cha

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Peter Metelnick (UK) & Alison Metelnick (UK) - June 2009
Do the Cha Cha Cha - Alex Swings Oscar Sings! : (CD: Heart 4 Sale)
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Start after 16 count intro on vocal

(1-8) ‘Cha Cha’ Fwd (Or Run Fwd 3), Hold, L Fwd Rock & Recover, ½ L Fwd, Scuff L Forward
1-4 Step R forward, step L together, step R forward, hold
5-8 Rock L forward, recover weight on R, turning ½ left step L forward, hold (6 o’clock)

(9-16) R Fwd, ½ L Pivot Turn, R Cross Step, Hold, L Side Rock & Recover, L Cross Step, Hold
1-4 Step R forward, pivot ½ left, cross step R over L, hold (12 o’clock)
5-8 Rock L side, recover weight on R, cross step L over R, hold

5-8 Rock L side, recover weight on R turning ¼ right to face front, step L forward, hold

(17-24) Vine R 2, ¼ R & R Fwd, ½ R & Hitch, L Diagonal Fwd Step/Lock/Step/Scuff
1-2 Step R side, cross step L behind R
3-4 Turning ¼ right step R forward, pivoting on R foot turn ½ right & hitch L knee (9 o’clock)
5-8 On L diagonal step L forward, lock R behind L, step L forward, hold or scuff R forward

(25-32) R Jazz Box Cross, Dwight R 4
1-4 Cross step R over L, step L back, step R side, cross step L over R
5-6 Turn L heel right & touch R together, travelling right turn L toes right & touch R heel
7-8 Repeat counts 5-6 (9 o’clock)

(33-40) R Side, L Back Rock & Recover, L Kick, L Side, R Cross Over, L Side, R Kick
1-4 Step R side, rock L back, recover weight on R, kick L to left diagonal
5-8 Step L side, cross step R over L, step L side, kick R to right diagonal (9 o’clock)

(41-48) R Behind, L Side, R Cross Over, Hold, L Rock & Recover Turning ¼ R, L Fwd, Hold
1-4 Cross step R behind L, step L side, cross step R over L, hold
5-8 Rock L side, recover on R turning ¼ right, step L forward, hold (12 o’clock)

You will restart the dance TWICE. AFTER dancing 4 walls you will be facing 12 o’clock. Complete first 48 counts of the dance which brings you to the front wall again and restart the dance.

2 walls later you will be facing 6 o’clock. Complete first 48 counts of the dance which brings you to back wall again and restart the dance.

(RESTARTS On wall 5 facing 12:00 & Wall 8 facing 6:00)

(49-56) Walk Fwd R & L, R Touch Fwd, R Step Back (Or Toe Strut), Walk Back 2, L Heel Fwd, L Together
1-4 Step R forward, step L forward, touch R toes forward, step R back
5-8 Step L back, step R back, touch L heel forward, step L together (12 o’clock)

(57-64) Turn ¼ R As You R Touch/Step & L Heel/Step, R & L Forward, Hold, Forward, Hold
1-2 Turning ¼ right touch R toes together, step down on R (stepping slightly to the right) (3 o’clock)
3-4 Touch L heel forward, step L together
5-8 Step R fwd, hold & click fingers, step L fwd, hold & click fingers or clap hands

Tel: 01727 853041


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