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The Way You Love Me

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Easy Intermediate
Cathy Dacumos (USA) - September 2014
The Way You Love Me - Faith Hill : (Album: Breathe - single - iTunes)
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Intro: 40 counts - 3 Restarts (Sequence: 32-48-32-48-20-48-32 + ending)
Choreographer’s note: the sequence, with all the restarts, sounds complicated, but is really not difficult. The VERSE of the song is 32 counts, and the CHORUS of the song is 48 counts. You always do 48 counts when starting from the back wall. You do 32 counts when starting from the front, except for the “extra short” wall (20 counts), during which the music changes noticeably and the restart is very easy to hear.
Starts with weight on the left foot

Section 1: Cross point twice, ¼ turning jazz box ending with side shuffle
1-2Step right foot forward across in front of left foot, point left foot to left side (12:00)
3-4Step left foot forward across in front of right foot, point right foot to right side
5-6Step right foot across in front of left foot, step back on left foot
7&8Make a ¼ turn right as you step right foot to right side, step left foot together next to right foot, step right foot to right side (3:00)

Section 2: Cross rock, recover, ¼ turning shuffle, step ½ pivot, full turning triple
1-2Rock left foot across in front of right foot, recover back onto right foot
3&4Step left foot to left side, step right foot together next to left, make a ¼ turn left stepping forward on the left foot (12:00)
5-6Step forward on right foot, make a ½ turn left, shifting weight onto left foot (6:00)
7&8Make ½ turn left stepping back on right foot, make ½ turn left stepping forward on left foot, step right foot forward (6:00)
(less turning option for counts 7&8, shuffle forward right, left, right)

Section 3: Forward rock, recover, left coaster step, step ½ turn with hook, shuffle forward left
1-2Rock forward on the left foot, recover back onto the right foot
3&4Step back on the left foot, step right foot back together next to left, step left foot forward
(Restart here on wall 5, facing 6 o’clock)
5-6Step forward on the right foot, make ½ turn left, keeping weight on right foot and hooking left foot in front of right shin
7&8Step left foot forward, step right foot together next to left, step left foot forward

Section 4: Side rock, cross & cross, ¼ turn right, ¼ turn right, shuffle forward left
1-2Rock right foot to right side, recover onto left foot opening hips to a slight left diagonal
3&4Step right foot across in front of left, step left foot to left side, step right foot across in front of left
5-6Make ¼ turn right stepping back on left foot, make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right foot
7&8Step left foot forward, step right foot together next to left, step left foot forward
(Restart here on wall 1, facing 6 o’clock and on wall 3, facing 6 o’clock)

Section 5: Forward rock, recover, shuffle ½ turn, step ½ pivot, walk, walk
1-2Rock forward onto right foot, recover back onto left foot
3&4Make ¼ turn right stepping to side on right foot, step left together next to right, make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right foot (1/2 turning shuffle)
5-6Step forward onto left foot, make a ½ turn right shifting weight to right foot
7-8Step forward on left foot, step forward on right foot

Section 6: Forward rock, recover, ½ turning shuffle, step ½ pivot, walk, walk
1-2Rock forward onto left foot, recover back onto right foot
3&4Make ¼ turn left stepping left foot to side, step right foot next to left, make ¼ turn left stepping forward onto left foot (1/2 turning shuffle)
5-6Step forward on right foot, make ½ turn left shifting weight to left foot
7-8Step forward on right foot, step forward on left foot

Ending: The last wall (wall 7) begins at 12 o’clock. After 32 counts, you will be facing 6 o’clock and you have only a few beats of music left.
Do the first 2 counts of section 5 (Rock forward, recover), then turn ½ turn right and just step forward to end at 12 o’clock.



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