CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Niels Poulsen (DK) & Maria Maag (DK) - May 2015
Heat - Scarlet Pleasure : (3:15)
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A section (west coast): 32 counts, 2 walls.
B section (funky): 32 counts, 1 wall.
Tag 1 is an 8 count funky section. Tag 2 is a 32 count nightclub section.

Intro: 16 count intro from main beat (14 secs. into track). Start with weight on L foot
Sequence: Intro, A, A, B, Tag 1, A, A, B, Tag 2, B, B.

A – 32 counts, 2 walls (Comes 4 times)
A[1 – 8] Step ½ L, locking ½ L, back sweep, cross behind, fwd diagonal step touches R & L
1 – 2Step fwd on R (1), turn ½ L stepping fwd on L (2) 6:00
3&4&Turn 1/8 L stepping R to R side (3), turn 1/8 L crossing L over R (&), turn 1/8 L stepping R to R side (4), turn 1/8 L crossing L over R (&) Option: turn full on 3& and ¼ X 2 on 4& 12:00
5 – 6Step R back bending slightly in R knee and sweeping L to L side (5), cross L behind R (6) 12:00
7&8&Step R diagonally fwd R (7), touch L next to R (&), step L diagonally fwd L (8), touch R next to L (&) 12:00

A[9 – 16] R side rock, sailor ¼ R, ball step ½ turn L sweep, R samba step, cross
1 – 2Lunge rock R to R side (1), recover on L (2) 12:00
3&4Cross R behind L (3), turn ¼ R stepping L next to R (&), step fwd on R (4) 3:00
&5 – 6Step small step fwd L (&), step R fwd (5), turn ½ L stepping fwd L and sweeping R fwd (6) 9:00
7&8&Cross R over L (7), rock L to L side (&), recover on R (8), cross L over R (&) 9:00

A[17 – 24] ¼ L big step back R, back L, R back mambo, ball ¼ R cross, ¼ L fwd, R&L side points
1 – 2Turn ¼ L stepping R a big step back (1), drag L past R and step back on L (2) 6:00
3&4Rock back on R (3), recover fwd on L (&), step fwd on R (4) 6:00
&5 – 6Step L fwd (&), turn ¼ R dipping down in knees and crossing R over L (5), straighten your knees and turn ¼ L stepping fwd on L (6) 6:00
7&8&Point R to R side (7), step R next to L (&), point L to L side (8), step L next to R (&) 6:00

A[25 – 32] Monterey ½ R into R rock, ¼ L, ¼ L side R, back rock side rock, together, knee pop
1 – 2Point R to R side (1), turn ½ R rocking R to R side (2) 12:00
3 – 4Recover on L turning ¼ L (3), turn ¼ L stepping R to R side (4) 6:00
5&6&Rock back on L (5), recover on R (&), rock L to L side (6), recover on R (&) 6:00
7&8Step L next to R (7), pop both knees fwd (&), return knees to neutral (8) – weight on L 6:00

B – 32 counts, 1 wall (comes 4 times, always starts facing 12:00
B[1 – 8] Tap lunge R, ¼ L sweep, cross out out, swivel ¼ L, L side touch, R scissor step 1/8 L
&1 – 2Tap R next to L (&), lunge R to R side (1), recover with a ¼ L onto L sweeping R fwd (2) 9:00
3&4Cross R over L (3), step L out to L side (&), step R out to R side (4) 9:00
&5 - 6&Swivel L heel a ¼ L (&), swivel R heel a ¼ L (5), step L to L side (6), touch R next to R (&) 6:00
7&8Step R to R side (7), step L behind R (&), turn 1/8 L crossing R over L (8) 4:30

B[9 – 16] & Pop walks RLR with shoulder rolls, 1½ L with sweeps, samba 3/8 R
&1 – 3Step L a small step fwd (&), walk R fwd popping L knee fwd and rolling L shoulder fwd and R shoulder back (1), walk L fwd popping R knee fwd and rolling R shoulder fwd and L shoulder back (2), walk R fwd popping L knee fwd and rolling L shoulder fwd and R shoulder back (3) 4:30
4 – 6Turn ½ L onto L sweeping R fwd (4), turn ½ L stepping back on R sweeping L to L side (5), turn ½ L onto L sweeping R fwd (6) 10:30
7&8Cross R over L (7), turn 1/8 R rocking L to L side (&), turn ¼ R recovering fwd to R (8) 3:00

B[17 – 25] Big ball step fwd, kick L fwd, 2 travelling jazz boxes, L&R heel pops, L sailor ¼ L fwd
&1 – 2Step L next to R (&), step R a big step fwd (1), kick L slightly in front of R (2) 3:00
&3&Cross L over R (&), step back on R (3), step back on L (&) 3:00
4&5Cross R over L (4), step back on L (&), step R to R side (5) 3:00
6&7&Pop L heel to R side (6), return heel to neutral stepping down on L (&), pop R heel to L side (7), return heel to neutral stepping down on R (&) 3:00
8&1Cross L behind R (8), turn ¼ L stepping R next to L (&), step fwd on L (1) 12:00

B[26 – 32] Full turn box L, HOLD, ball step together X 2, touch together
2 – 3Turn ¼ L stepping R to R side (2), turn ¼ L stepping L to L side (3) 6:00
4 – 6Turn ¼ L stepping R to R side (4), turn ¼ L stepping L to L side (5), HOLD or do a snake roll rolling head and upper-body L ending roll into your hip (6) 12:00
&7&8&Step R next to L (&), step L a small step L (7), step R next to L (&), step L a small step L (8), touch R next to L (&) Optional styling: on each L side step split knees apart bending slightly in your knees. When stepping R next to L knees go in again 12:00

Tag 1 – 8 counts, 1 wall (comes once, after 2nd A, facing 12:00)
T1[1 – 8] Step ½ L X 2, ball L rock recover, L coaster step with drag together
1 – 4Step fwd on R (1), turn ½ L onto L (2), step fwd on R (3), turn ½ L onto L (4) 12:00
&5 – 6Step R next to L (&), rock fwd on L (5), recover back on R (6) 12:00
7&8Step back on L (7), step R next to L (&), step big step fwd L dragging R next to L (8) 12:00

Tag 2 – a nightclub section – 32 counts, 1 wall (comes once, after 4th A, facing 12:00)
T2[1 – 8] R side rock, behind slow sweep, behind side cross with slow sweep in front
1 – 4Rock R to R side (1), recover on L (2), cross R behind L starting to sweep L from front to back (3), finish sweep (4) 12:00
5 – 8Cross L behind R (5), step R to R side (6), cross L over R starting to sweep R from back to front (7), finish sweep (8) 12:00

T2[9 – 16] Cross, ½ R into slow R lunge, rolling vine L step slide L
1 – 4Cross R over L (1), turn ¼ R stepping back on L (2), turn ¼ R starting to lunge R to R side (3), finish lunge to R (4) 6:00
5 – 8Turn ¼ L stepping fwd L (5), turn ½ L stepping R back (6), turn ¼ L stepping L to L side (7), drag R next to L (8) 6:00

T2[17 – 24] R side rock, behind slow sweep, behind side cross with slow sweep in front
1 – 4Rock R to R side (1), recover on L (2), cross R behind L starting to sweep L from front to back (3), finish sweep (4) 6:00
5 – 8Cross L behind R (5), step R to R side (6), cross L over R starting to sweep R from back to front (7), finish sweep (8) 6:00

T2[25 – 32] Cross, ½ R into slow R lunge, rolling vine L step slide L
1 – 4Cross R over L (1), turn ¼ R stepping back on L (2), turn ¼ R starting to lunge R to R side (3), finish lunge to R (4) 12:00
5 – 8Turn ¼ L stepping fwd L (5), turn ½ L stepping R back (6), turn ¼ L stepping L to L side (7), drag R next to L (8) 12:00
NOTE Counts 17-32 are exactly the same as counts 1-16


Niels Poulsen -
Maria Maag -


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