CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Share This Love

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Jo Kinser (UK) & John Kinser (UK) - February 2012
Share This Love For Life - Da Fleiva & Bijue : (Single)
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Start the dance on the vocals (0:30).

[1-8] Side, Together, Rock & Together Side, Back Rock, Shuffle Fwd
1,2,3Step Rt to Rt, Step Lt next to Rt, Rock Rt to Rt
4&5Replace weight Lt, Step Rt next to Lt, Step Lt to Lt
6,7Rock Rt back, Replace weight fwd Lt
8&1Step fwd on Rt, Step Lt next to Rt, Step fwd on Rt (12:00)

[9-16] Rock Step, Step Lock Back, 3/4 Turn Rock & Together Side
2,3Rock Lt fwd, Replace weight back on Rt
4&5Step Lt back, Lock Rt over Lt, Step Lt back
6,7Make 1/2 turn Rt Stepping Rt fwd (6:00), Pivot 1/4 turn Rt Rocking Lt to Lt (9:00)
8&1Replace weight Rt, Step Lt next to Rt, Step Rt to Rt

[17-24] Ronde, Kick Hook Touch, Hold, Hook Step Together
2,3Sweep Lt foot across the Rt in a full circle left (2 Counts)
4&5Kick Lt fwd, Hook Lt in-front of Rt knee, Touch Lt fwd
&7,8Hook Lt in-front of Rt knee, Step Lt fwd Step Rt next to Lt (9:00)

[25-32] Back Drag, Out Out & Cross, Side Together, Side Together Touch
1,2,3Take a big step back on Lt, Drag Rt heel next to Lt (2 Counts)
&4&5Step Rt to Rt, Step Lt to Lt, Step Rt to center, Step Lt over Rt
6,7Step Rt to Rt, Step Lt next to Rt
8&1Step Rt to Rt, Step Lt next to Rt, Touch Rt to Rt (9:00)

[33-40] Touch Fwd Side Flick Side, & Side Hold, & Side, Rock Step
2,3Touch Rt across Lt, Touch Rt to Rt
&4&5Flick Rt behind Lt, Touch Rt to Rt, Step Rt next to Lt, Step Lt to Lt
(Easy option: After count 3, Hold: Keep Rt touching to Rt for &4).
&7Step Rt next to Lt, Step Lt to Lt
8,1Rock Rt back, Replace weight Lt

[41-48] Walk Fwd, 1/4 Scissor Cross, Side Together, Side Together 1/4 Turn
2,3Step fwd Rt, Lt
4&5Pivot 1/4 turn Lt stepping Rt to Rt, Step Lt next to Rt and slightly back, Step Rt over Lt (6:00)
6,7Step Lt to Lt, Step Rt next to Lt
8&1Step Lt to Lt, Step Rt next to Lt, Make a 1/4 turn Lt stepping Lt fwd (3:00)

[49-56] Step 3/4 Turn, Side Together Side, Reverse Rocking Chair
2,3Step Rt fwd, Make 1/2 turn Lt (weight Lt) (9:00)
4&5Pivot 1/4 turn Lt stepping Rt to Rt (6:00), Step Lt next to Rt, Step Rt to Rt
6,7Rock Lt back, Replace weight fwd Rt
8,1Rock Lt fwd, Replace weight back Rt

[57-64] Back Drag, Coaster Step, Full Turn Step
2,3Step Lt a large step back, Drag Rt foot up to Lt
4&5Step Rt back, Step Lt next to Rt, Step Rt fwd (prep)
6,7Make 1/2 turn Rt stepping back Lt, Make 1/2 turn Rt stepping fwd Rt (6:00)
8Step Lt fwd
(Easy option for counts 6,7,8: Walk fwd Lt, Rt, Lt).


Co-choreographers: (Feb.2012)
Jo & John Kinser - Email: - Website:


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