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Say It Again

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Kate Sala (UK) - September 2016
Say It Again - Frances
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Intro: 16 counts, starting on vocals. (2 / 4 wall dance)

Basic NC Step Right, Weave Left, Unwind Full Turn Left, Basic NC Step Right.
1 2 &Long step on R to right side. Cross rock on L behind R. Cross step R over L..
3 4 &Step L to left side. Cross step R behind L. Step L to left side.
5 6Cross step R over L. Unwind full turn left transferring weight on to L. 12:00
7 8 &Long step on R to right side. Cross rock on L behind R. Cross step R over L.

Sway x 2, Sailor Step 1/4 Turn Left, Pivot 1/2 Right, Turn 1/2 Right, Sailor Step 1/2 Turn Right.
1 2Step L to left side swaying hips left, Sway hips right.
3 & 4Cross step L behind R. Turn 1/4 left stepping R in place. Step forward on L. 9:00
(Restart from here during wall 3)
5 6Pivot 1/2 turn right. Turn 1/2 right stepping back on L.
7 & 8Cross step R behind L. Turn 1/2 right stepping L in place. Step forward on R. 3:00

Pivot 1/2 Turn Left, Turn 1/2 Left With Sweep, Weave Right, Montery 1/2 Turn Right, Scissor Step.
1 2Pivot 1/2 turn left. Turn 1/2 left stepping back on R while sweeping L out to left side. 3:00
3 & 4Cross step L behind R. Step R to right side. Cross step L over R.
5 6Point R toe out to right side. Pivot 1/2 turn right on L stepping R in next to L.
7 & 8Step L out to left side. Step R next to L. Cross step L over R. 9:00

Vine 1/4 Turn Right With sweep, Weave Right With sweep, Coaster Step, Step Pivot 1/2 Turn, Step.
1 & 2Step R to right side. Cross step L behind R. Turn 1/4 right stepping forward on R sweeping L out.
3 & 4Cross step L over R. Step R to right side. Cross step L behind R sweeping R out to right side.
(Restart from here during wall 6)
5 & 6Step back on R. Step L next to R. Step forward on R.
7 & 8Step forward on L. Pivot 1/2 turn right. Step forward on L & slightly across R.

Start Again

Restart 1, during wall 3, Restart from the beginning of the dance after count 12, Restart facing 9:00.
Restart 2, during wall 6, Restart from the beginning of the dance after count 28, Restart facing 9:00.


Stokies September 5, 2016
Wether we have space in our time slot or not KATE I'm teaching this because its lovely and it stands out in a crowd. Just like
you did in the line up demo of NA NA NA you make us proud.
Thank you Victoria

sianjenkins8 October 6, 2016
Really like this dance. A little bit different as you think it's going to be a 2 wall dance but the restarts make it a 4 wall. Flows really well and wonderful music. Good luck with this Kate, we like it in South Wales xx

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