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Sadie's Dress

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Neville Fitzgerald (UK) & Julie Harris (UK) - October 2015
Sadie's Got Her New Dress On - Lee Matthews : (iTunes)
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Side Rock Recover, Side Rock Recover, Side Together Forward, Mambo Step.
1-2&Step Left to Left, cross rock Right behind Left, recover on Left.
3-4&Step Right to Right side, cross rock Left behind Right, recover on Right.
5&6Step Left to Left side, step Right next to Left, Step Left forward.
7&8Rock forward on Right, recover on Left, step back on Right.

Back, 1/2, Step,1/2 Step, , Forward Rock, Back Rock. Kick & Point.
1-2Step Back on Left, 1/2 turn to Right stepping forward on Right. (6.00)
3&4Step forward on Left, pivot 1/2 turn to Right. step forward on Left.
5&Rock forward on Right, recover on Left.
6&Rock back on Right, recover on Left.
7&8Kick Right forward, step Right next to Left, point Left to Left side. (*R*)

Sailor Step, Sailor 1/4, Rock, Recover, 1/2 Shuffle.
1&2Cross step Left behind Right, step Right to Right side, step Left to Left side.
3&4Cross step Right behind Left, make 1/4 turn to Right stepping Left to Left side, step Right to Right side. (3.00)
5-6Rock forward on Left, recover on Right.
7&8Make 1/4 turn to Left stepping Left to Left side, step Right next to Left, 1/4 turn Left stepping forward on Left. (9.00)

Heel & Heel & Toe & Heel & Cross & Heel & Step, Twist, Twist.
1&2&Touch Right heel forward, step Right next to Left, touch Left heel forward, step Left next to Right.
3&4&Touch right toe next to Left, step Right next to Left, touch Left heel forward. step Left next to Right.
5&6&Cross Right over Left, step back on Left, touch Right heel forward, step Right next to Left.
7&8Step Left forward, twist both heels to Left, twist both heels Right back to centre (weight ending on Right foot).

Restart on Wall 6
Dance up to including count 15& Section 2, then touch Left next to Right . Restart dance from beginning :)


Pismo October 28, 2015
Yikes! I found the directions in the first header very confusing. This would be clearer if it read SIDE, CROSS ROCK-RECOVER, SIDE, CROSS ROCK-RECOVER, SIDE-TOGETHER-FORWARD, R FORWARD MAMBO. That said, it looks like a fun dance.

jennifer182 November 1, 2015
You are definitely masters of your craft this is a wonderful floor filler your more advanced dances are l
Overly but I need to keep 70 dancers on the floor and not end up with 20 in the club please could we have more of these thanks

jennifer182 November 1, 2015
Sorry meant to say Lovely not overly lol"

Sassy Stepper November 29, 2015
We use this as a warm-up dance in our Easy Intermediate class and love it. Music makes you want to get up and dance and that is what we do! We call this a "happy" dance. Thanks Neville & Julie and keep them coming.

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