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Room With A View

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Katrin Gäbler (DE) & Dirk Leibing (DE) - February 2014
Room With a View - Tony Carey
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Alt. music: Room With A View by Mo Casal & Tony Carey

Intro: 48 counts

[1-8] Step, Hold, Side, Close, Back, Hold, Side, Close (Rumba Box)
1-2Step left forward, hold
3-4Step right to right, close left next to right
5-6Step right back, hold
7-8Step left to left left, close right next to left

[9-16] ¼ Turn left, Hitch ¼ Turn left, Cross, Side, Behind, Sweep, Rock, Recover
1-2Step left ¼ left fwd , hitch right knee and make another ¼ turn on your left (6:00)
3-4Cross right in front of left, step left to left
5-6Step right behind left, sweep left from front to back
7-8Rock left back, recover on right

[17-24] Side, Hold, Rock, Recover, ¼ Turn right, Hold, Step, ½ Turn right
1-2Step left to left, hold
3-4Rock right back, recover on left
5-6Step right ¼ right fwd, hold (9:00)
7-8Step left fwd, make ½ turn right on both feet (3:00)

[25-32] Step, Hold, ½ Turn Left x2, ¼ Turn Left, Behind, ¼ Right, ¼ Right Side
1-2Step left forward, hold
3-4½ turn left stepping right back, ½ turn left stepping left fwd (3:00)
5-6¼ turn left stepping right to right, cross left behind right (12.00)
7-8Step right ¼ right fwd, ¼ right step left to left (6.00)

[33-40] Back Rock, Recover, Side, Drag, Back Rock, Recover, Side, Drag
1-2Rock right behind left, weight back on left
3-4Step right to right, drag left next to right ***Restart here in wall 4****
5-6Rock left behind right, weight back on right
7-8Step left to left, drag right next to left

[41-48] Back Rock, Recover, Step, Hold, Mambo ½ Turn Left, Hold
1-2Rock back on right, weight back on left
3-4Step fwd on right, hold (drag left next to right)
5-6Rock left fwd, weight back on right
7-8½ Turn left stepping left fwd, hold (drag right next to left) (12.00)

[49-56] Cross, Side, Behind, Sweep, Behind, Side, Cross, Sweep
1-2Step right across left, step left to left
3-4Cross right behind left, sweep left behind right
5-6Cross left behind right, step right to right
7-8Step left across right, sweep right fwd

[57-64] Cross Rock, Recover, ¼ Turn Right, Step, Pivot ½ Right, Walk, Walk
1-2Rock right across left, weight back on left
3-4Step right ¼ right fwd, hold (3.00)
5-6Step left fwd, make ½ right on both feet (9.00)
7-8Step left fwd, step right fwd

Tag : 8 Count Tag after wall 1
[1-8] Step, Hold, Rock, Recover, Back, Hold, Back Rock, Recover
1-2Step left fwd, hold
3-4Rock fwd on right, weight back on left
5-6Step right back, hold
7-8Rock left back, recover on right

Restart after 36 Counts in wall 4 - Start again

Contacts: &

Last Update - 7th Feb 2014


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