(Start on vocals) (music available on iTunes) (No Tags Or Restarts)
Sec 1: Side Toe Strut, crossing toe strut, Chasse right, kick ball step (left diagonal)
1 – 4Step right toe to the side, lower heel down, step left toe across right, lower heel down.
5&6Chasse to the right side R,L,R
7&8Kick left to the left diagonal, step ball of left next to right small step forward and across with right.
Sec 2: Side Toe Strut, crossing toe strut, chasse left, kick ball step (right diagonal)
1 –4Step left toe to the left side, lower heel down, step right toe across left, lower heel down.
5&6Chasse to the left side, L,R,L.
7&8Kick right to the right diagonal, step ball of right next to left, small step forward and across with left.
Sec 3: Kick ball step x 2 moving to the right, diagonal rock recover, behind, side, in front.
1&2Kick right to the right diagonal, step ball of right next to right, small step forward and across with left.
3&4Kick right to the right diagonal, step ball of right next to right, small step forward and across with left.
5 – 6Rock right foot forward to right diagonal, recover back onto left.
7&8Step right back behind left, step left foot to the side, step right across left. (facing 12 o clock)
Sec 4: Side Rock, recover, ¼ turn Left into coaster step, ½ turn left, shuffle forward
1 – 2Rock left foot out to the left side, recover onto right (prepare to turn left)
3&4¼ turn left step left foot back, close right to left, step left foot forward.
5 – 6Step right foot forward, ½ turn left.
7&8shuffle forward R,L,R. (facing 3 o clock)
Sec 5: Rock forward recover, small syncopated jumps back x 3 (feet apart)
1 – 2Rock left foot forward recover back on to right
&3 – 4Step left foot back and out to the side, right foot to the side (moves back with feet apart) hold.
&5 – 6Step left foot back and out to the side, right foot to the side (moves back with feet apart) hold.
&7 – 8Step left foot back and out to the side, right foot to the side (moves back with feet apart) hold.
Sec 6: Knee pops with opposite hip action (feet still apart)
1 – 4Pop left knee forward with hips to right, pop right knee forward with hips to left.
5 – 8Pop Left knee forward, pop right knee forward, Pop Left knee forward, pop right knee forward.
Sec 7: Grapevine right with ¼ turn right brush, 3 step ½ turn right hold.
1 – 4Step right to the side, step left behind right,¼ turn right step right forward, brush left forward.
5 – 8Step onto left foot, make a ½ turn right, step left foot forward. hold. (12 o clock)
Sec 8: Toe struts forward with finger clicks, rock forward recover, shuffle back.
1 – 2Step right toes forward and across left, lower heel as you click fingers.
3 – 4Step left toes forward and across right, lower heel as you click fingers.
5 – 6Rock right foot forward, recover back onto left.
7&8Shuffle back R,L,R
Sec 9: Back kick ball step, shuffle forward, 3 step ½ turn left, 3 step ½ turn right.
1&2Kick left foot back & slightly to the side, step ball of left next to right, step right forward.
3&4Shuffle forward L,R,L
5 – 8Step right foot forward, ½ turn left, step right foot forward, hold. (6 o clock)
Sec 10: 3 step ½ turn right, hold, weave left, kick, Step behind, ¼ turn right, step, kick
1 – 4Step left foot forward, ½ turn right, step left forward, hold (12 o clock)
5 – 8Step right foot across left, step left to the side, step right behind left, kick left to the left diagonal.
Sec 11: Step behind, ¼ turn right, step, kick, slow coaster step, hold.
1 – 4Step left behind right, ¼ turn right step right forward, step left forward, kick right forward, (3 o clock)
5 – 8Step right foot back, close left to right, step right foot forward, hold.
Sec 12: Slow lock step forward, ¾ run around
1 – 4Slow lock step forward L,R,L, hold
5 – 8Make a ¾ turn left as you run round stepping right, left, right, left(6 o clock)
Start over - Happy dancing
Last Update – 21st Oct. 2015
Sec 1: Side Toe Strut, crossing toe strut, Chasse right, kick ball step (left diagonal)
1 – 4Step right toe to the side, lower heel down, step left toe across right, lower heel down.
5&6Chasse to the right side R,L,R
7&8Kick left to the left diagonal, step ball of left next to right small step forward and across with right.
Sec 2: Side Toe Strut, crossing toe strut, chasse left, kick ball step (right diagonal)
1 –4Step left toe to the left side, lower heel down, step right toe across left, lower heel down.
5&6Chasse to the left side, L,R,L.
7&8Kick right to the right diagonal, step ball of right next to left, small step forward and across with left.
Sec 3: Kick ball step x 2 moving to the right, diagonal rock recover, behind, side, in front.
1&2Kick right to the right diagonal, step ball of right next to right, small step forward and across with left.
3&4Kick right to the right diagonal, step ball of right next to right, small step forward and across with left.
5 – 6Rock right foot forward to right diagonal, recover back onto left.
7&8Step right back behind left, step left foot to the side, step right across left. (facing 12 o clock)
Sec 4: Side Rock, recover, ¼ turn Left into coaster step, ½ turn left, shuffle forward
1 – 2Rock left foot out to the left side, recover onto right (prepare to turn left)
3&4¼ turn left step left foot back, close right to left, step left foot forward.
5 – 6Step right foot forward, ½ turn left.
7&8shuffle forward R,L,R. (facing 3 o clock)
Sec 5: Rock forward recover, small syncopated jumps back x 3 (feet apart)
1 – 2Rock left foot forward recover back on to right
&3 – 4Step left foot back and out to the side, right foot to the side (moves back with feet apart) hold.
&5 – 6Step left foot back and out to the side, right foot to the side (moves back with feet apart) hold.
&7 – 8Step left foot back and out to the side, right foot to the side (moves back with feet apart) hold.
Sec 6: Knee pops with opposite hip action (feet still apart)
1 – 4Pop left knee forward with hips to right, pop right knee forward with hips to left.
5 – 8Pop Left knee forward, pop right knee forward, Pop Left knee forward, pop right knee forward.
Sec 7: Grapevine right with ¼ turn right brush, 3 step ½ turn right hold.
1 – 4Step right to the side, step left behind right,¼ turn right step right forward, brush left forward.
5 – 8Step onto left foot, make a ½ turn right, step left foot forward. hold. (12 o clock)
Sec 8: Toe struts forward with finger clicks, rock forward recover, shuffle back.
1 – 2Step right toes forward and across left, lower heel as you click fingers.
3 – 4Step left toes forward and across right, lower heel as you click fingers.
5 – 6Rock right foot forward, recover back onto left.
7&8Shuffle back R,L,R
Sec 9: Back kick ball step, shuffle forward, 3 step ½ turn left, 3 step ½ turn right.
1&2Kick left foot back & slightly to the side, step ball of left next to right, step right forward.
3&4Shuffle forward L,R,L
5 – 8Step right foot forward, ½ turn left, step right foot forward, hold. (6 o clock)
Sec 10: 3 step ½ turn right, hold, weave left, kick, Step behind, ¼ turn right, step, kick
1 – 4Step left foot forward, ½ turn right, step left forward, hold (12 o clock)
5 – 8Step right foot across left, step left to the side, step right behind left, kick left to the left diagonal.
Sec 11: Step behind, ¼ turn right, step, kick, slow coaster step, hold.
1 – 4Step left behind right, ¼ turn right step right forward, step left forward, kick right forward, (3 o clock)
5 – 8Step right foot back, close left to right, step right foot forward, hold.
Sec 12: Slow lock step forward, ¾ run around
1 – 4Slow lock step forward L,R,L, hold
5 – 8Make a ¾ turn left as you run round stepping right, left, right, left(6 o clock)
Start over - Happy dancing
Last Update – 21st Oct. 2015