CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Quarter After One

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Levi J Hubbard (USA) - January 2010
Need You Now - Lady A : (CD: Single)
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R Side Rock-Recover, Cross & Cross, ¼ Turn (R), ¼ Turn (R), Shuffle Forward
1-2 Rock right to side, recover to left
3&4 Crossing chassé right, left, right
5-6 Turn ¼ right and step left back, turn ¼ right and step right forward
7&8 Chassé forward stepping (left, right, left)

Forward Rock-Recover, 3 Steps Back, Coaster Step, Step Forward
1-2 Rock right forward, recover to left
3-4 Step right back, step left back
5-6 Step right back, step left back
&7 Step right together, step left forward
8 Step right forward

L Side Rock-Recover, Cross & Cross, ¼ Turn (Left), ¼ Turn (Left) Shuffle Forward
1-2 Rock left to side, recover to right
3&4 Crossing chassé left, right, left
5-6 Turn ¼ left and step right back, turn ¼ left and step left forward
7&8 Chassé forward right, left, right

Forward Rock-Recover, 3 Steps Back, Coaster Step, Step Forward
1-2 Rock left forward, recover to right
3-4 Step left back, step right back
5-6 Step left back, step right back
&7 Step left together, step right forward
8 Step left forward

Cross Rock-Recover, Side Sways, Side Shuffle (R), Cross Over, ¾ Spiral Turn (R)
1-2 Cross/rock right over left, recover to left
3-4 Step right to side (sway), step left to side (sway)
5&6 Shuffle to side stepping (right, left, right)
7-8 Cross/touch left over right, unwind ¾ right (weight to right)

Step Lock Forward, ½ Pivot (Left), ½ Shuffle Turn (Left), Coaster Step
1&2 Locking chassé forward left, right, left
3-4 Step right forward, turn ½ left (weight to left)
5&6 Triple in place turning ½ left stepping (right, left, right)
7&8 Step left back, step right together, step left forward

Jazz Box Cross, Full Turn (Right), Side Step, Cross
1-2 Cross right over left, step left to side
3-4 Step right to side, cross left over right
5-6 Turn ¼ right and step right forward, turn ¼ right and step left to side (6:00)
7-8 Turn ½ right and step right to side, cross left over right
Option: you can leave the turns out if you like and just weave to the right


TAG: AFTER the 2nd time through ADD following then proceed to start from the beginning
1-2 Step right to side, touch left together (snap fingers)
3-4 Step left to side, touch right together (snap fingers)


Yada March 12, 2013
Don't let the intermediate level put you off for trying this dance.

Snowbird1956 February 20, 2023
Is it just me, or should there be a restart on wall 7 at the 5th section, after count 4 [Step right to side (sway), step left to side (sway)]? We can definitely hear it in the music!

CeeCee February 2, 2024
Snowbird1956: I just taught this dance from 2010 since it's showing up as a Classic on dance lists. I said the exact same thing tonight when I taught this at our class. A restart would have been very easy to do after the sway, sway, but it's not written in the choreography. It's a challenge for me to dance through it since we are out of phrasing by 4 counts instead of 8. We had a discussion about it tonight and were trying to remember is restarts were still not popular in 2010. Anybody remember?

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