CopperKnob Stepsheets

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I Remember

( 9 Votes)
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Intermediate nightclub
Tracie Lee (AUS)
Remember When - Alan Jackson
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1-2(S) Rock left forward, hold
3-4(QQ) Rock back on right, turn ½ turn left & step left forward
5-6(QQ) Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left taking weight to left
7-8(S) Rock forward on right, hold
1-2(QQ) Rock back on left, turn ½ turn right & step right forward
3-4(QQ) Moving forward & turning a full turn right - step left then right
5-6(S) Rock forward on left, hold
7-8(QQ) Replace weight to right, step left beside right
1-2(S) Rock back on right, hold
3-4(QQ) Rock forward on left, step right beside left turning ¼ turn left
5-6(S) Rock back on left, hold
7-8(QQ) Rock forward on right, step left beside right turning ¼ turn right
1-2(S) Step right behind left, sweep left toe out to left side
3-4(S) Step left behind right, sweep right toe out to right side
5-6(QQ) Step right behind left, step left to left side
7-8(S) Step right a large step to right side, drag left towards right
1-2(QQ) Step left behind right, turn ¼ turn right & step right forward
3-4(QQ) Turn ¼ turn right & step left to left side, turn ½ turn right & step right to right side
5-6(S) Rock left forward across right, hold
7-8(QQ) Rock back on right, turn ¼ turn left & step left forward
1-4(SS) Step right forward, drag left towards right, step left forward, drag right towards left
5-8(SS) Step right to right side & rock hips right, hold, rock hips left, hold
1-4(QQQQ) Step right to right side, step left beside right, turn ¼ turn left & step right back, pivot on right ¾ turn left
5-8(QQS) Step left across right, step right to right side, step/rock left forward across right, hold
1-4(QQQQ) Rock back on right, turn ¼ turn left & step left forward, step right to right side, step left behind right
5-8(QQS) Step right to right side, step left to left side, touch right toe behind left, unwind ½ turn right ending on right foot
1-4(SS) Step/rock left to left side, hold, rock right to right side, drag left towards right


At the end of the 4th & 5th walls, drop the last 4 counts of the dance

On the 6th wall, add 4 counts at the end of the dance

1-4(QQQQ) Step left forward, step right beside left, step left back, step right beside left


Hellraiser April 25, 2015
Notice - 41 -44 does not have turns according to the org. step sheet.

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