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I Held Your Hand

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Phrased NC2S
Merete Sevel (DK) & Niels Poulsen (DK) - July 2008
My Immortal (Band Version) - Evanescence
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Restart: 2nd time you do the A section you restart after 16 counts making a ¼ R on count 15 to restart dance facing 12:00
Phrasing: A, B, A (with restart), A, B, B (1-32), A (33-48), B, A. SEE EXPLANATION AT END.

Intro: 16 count intro (app. 14 secs into track). Start with weight on R foot.

Note: Dedicated to our good friends Conni and Kurt Weber from Denmark

(1 – 8) Cross rock side X 3, ¼ L with side step, cross rock side, cross rock
1&2& Cross rock L over R, recover back on R, step L to L side, cross rock R over L 12:00
3&4& Recover back on L, step R to R side, cross rock L over R, recover back on R 12:00
5&6& Turn ¼ turn L stepping L to L side, cross rock R over L, recover L, step R to R side 9:00
7 – 8 Cross rock L over R (facing 10:30), recover back on R (10:30)

(9 – 16) 1½ turn L, step lock step, sweep 3/8 R, cross shuffle, side mambo
1&2 Make ½ turn L stepping fw on L, make ½ turn L stepping back on R, make ½ turn L stepping fw on L 4:30
&3& Step lock step R-L-R 4:30
4 Turn 3/8 R on R foot (squaring up to 9:00) sweeping L around 9:00
5&6 Cross shuffle L-R-L 9:00
&7 – 8 Rock R to R side, recover back on L, step R next to L (restart here 2nd time doing A) 9:00

(17 – 24) Cross, rock & cross, ½ R, cross, side rock, touch point touch, side drag
1&2& Cross L over R, rock R to R side, recover on L, cross R over L 9:00
3&4& Make ¼ turn R step back on L, make ¼ turn R step R to R side, cross L over R, rock R to R side 3:00
5&6& Recover on L, touch R next to L, point R to R side, touch R next to L 3:00
7 – 8 Step R to R side, drag and touch L next to R 3:00

(25 – 32) ¼ L, step ¼ cross, full turn R, behind side, cross rock ¼ R, 1½ R
1&2& Turn ¼ L stepping fw on L, step fw R, turn ¼ L on L, cross R over L 9:00
3&4 Turn ¼ R stepping back on L, turn ½ R stepping fw on R, turn ¼ R stepping L to side 9:00
5&6& Step R behind L, step L to L side, cross rock R over L, recover on L 9:00
7& Turn ¼ R stepping fw on R, turn ½ R stepping back on L 6:00
8& Turn ½ R stepping fw on R, turn ½ R stepping back on L 6:00

(33 – 40) ½ R with sweep, back twinkles X 2, cross rock, & cross full unwind L
1 – 2& Turn ½ R stepping fw on R and sweeping L in front of R, cross L over R, step back R 1:00
3&4& Step slightly back on L, cross R over L, step slightly back on L, step R to R side 12:00
5 – 6 Cross rock L over R, recover back on R 12:00
&7 – 8 Step L next to R, cross R over L, unwind full turn L (end with weight on R) 12:00

(41 – 48) ¼ L, ¼ L with hitch, cross, side rock cross, side R, hinge ½ L, 3 sways
1, 2, 3 Turn ¼ L stepping fw on L, turn ¼ L on ball of L hitching R in figure 4, cross R over L 6:00
&4&5 Rock L to L side, recover on to R, cross L over R, step R small step to R side 6:00
6 Turn ½ L on R foot leaving L knee hitched 12:00
7 – 8& Step down on L with sway L, sway R, sway L (weight on L) 12:00

(1 – 8) R basic, ¼ R with L basic, R basic, ¼ R with L basic
1 – 2& Step R to R side, step L behind R, cross R over L 12:00
3 – 4& Make ¼ turn R stepping L to L side, step R behind L, cross L over R 3:00
5 – 6& Repeat 1 – 2& 3:00
7 – 8& Repeat 3 – 4& 6:00

(9 – 16) ¼ R, full turn R, fw L, mambo step fw, back twinkles X 2, ¼ R
1 Turn ¼ R stepping fw on R 9:00
2&3 Turn ½ R stepping back on L, turn ½ R stepping fw on R, step fw on L 9:00
4&5 Rock fw on R, recover back on L, step back on R 9:00
6&7 Cross L over R, step back on R, step back on L 9:00
&8& Cross R over L, step back on L, turn ¼ R stepping R to R side 12:00

(17 – 24) ½ R with sweep, full turn R into side lunge L, recover & step fw R to L diagonal, full triple R, R mambo fw
1 Turn ½ R stepping L to L side and sweeping R out to side at the same time 6:00
2 – 3 Continue turning another ½ turn R stepping R to R, turn another ½ R lunging L to L side bending L leg (keeping R leg straightened) 6:00
4&5 Recover R, close L behind R, step R fw towards 4:30 turning upper body to L (prep) 4:30
6&7 Make full triple turn R (L-R-L) 4:30
8&1 Rock fw on R, recover back on L, step back on R 4:30

(25 – 32) 1½ turn L, step full spiral turn, rock recover side, rock recover touch
2&3 Turn ½ L stepping fw on L, turn ½ L stepping back on R, turn ½ L stepping fw on L 10:30
4&5 Step fw on R, make full spiral turn L, rock fw on L 10:30
6&7 Recover on R, step L small step to L side, rock fw on R 10:30
8& Recover back on L, touch R next to L squaring up to 12:00 12:00

(33 – 36) Lunge R to R side, hold, recover, bring R to L
1 – 2 Lunge R to R side leaving L leg straightened, Hold 12:00
3 – 4 Recover weight to L foot dragging R towards L, bring R next to L (weight R) 12:00

Begin again!

Ending The music starts to fade out during the 2 full turns (count 31-32) in the A section. Slow down with the music and add another slow full turn sweeping L forward! 12:00

Phrasing explanation!!!
Sequence of sections are: A, B, A (with restart), A, B, B (1-32), A (33-48), B, A
The first A + B + A (with restart) + A + B should be quite straightforward. Then, because you start with a B you should only TOUCH R next to L when ending your R lunge. The B (1-32) means that you do counts 1-32 of the B section then adding the last 16 counts of section A (33-48) but not turning ½ R - just step onto R and then sweep L around (in this way you keep facing 12:00). End the dance doing section B + A until music fades out. The reason for this phrasing is to match the steps to the beats of the music. We know it looks pretty difficult (…) but it really isn’t as hard as it looks!!! Come on, you know you can do it! GOOD LUCK…


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