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Happily Ever After

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Maddison Glover (AUS) - January 2017
Too Good To Say Goodbye - Bruno Mars : (4:42)
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Fwd (Sweep), Cross, Coaster-Cross, Slow ¾ Turn, Fwd, Rock, Recover, Back x2
1,2Step R fwd whilst sweeping L around clockwise, cross L over R
3&4Step back on R, step L slightly to L side, cross R over L
5Step L to L side whilst making a ¾ turn over R (keep weight on L foot and leave R foot extended/ slightly off the floor) Note: this is a slow ¾ turn.
6,7&Step fwd on R (9:00), rock fwd on L, recover weight back onto R
8&Step back on L, step back on R

¼ Sway, Recover, Behind, ¼ Fwd, Fwd, Pivot ½, Fwd, Fwd ¼ Sweep, Cross
1,2Make ¼ turn L stepping/ swaying L to L side, recover weight onto R (6:00)
3&4Step L behind R, turn ¼ R stepping fwd onto R (9:00), step L fwd
5,6Pivot ½ turn over R with weights on R (3:00), walk fwd on L
7Step fwd on R whilst sweeping L around clockwise into a ¼ R (6:00)
8Cross L over R (slightly lunge forward, ensuring weight is down on L)

Recover (sweep), Behind, Side, Cross, Side Rock, ¼ Recover, Fwd, Mambo, Coaster (prep)
1Recover weight back onto R whilst sweeping L around counter-clockwise
2&3Step L behind, step R to R side, cross L over R
4&5Rock R to R side, recover weight onto L, turn ¼ L stepping fwd onto R (3:00)
6&7Rock fwd onto L, recover back onto R, step back onto L
8&Step back on R, step L together

Fwd, Full Turn Triple Back, Sweep, Cross, Syncopated Vine ¼, Fwd, Pivot ½
1Step fwd on R (prep for turn by slightly opening shoulders to the right) (3:00)
2&Make ½ turn over L stepping fwd on L, step R beside L (9:00)
3Make ½ turn over L stepping fwd on L whilst sweeping around counter-clockwise (3:00)
4Cross R over L
5,6&Step L to L side, step R behind L, turn ¼ L stepping fwd on L (12:00)
7,8Step R fwd, pivot ½ over L (6:00)

TAG A (8 counts) “I was your man and you were my girl”
After the second and fifth sequence, add the following 8 counts. Begin the Tag facing 12:00 and you will finish the Tag facing 6:00, both times.
Walk, Walk, Rock Fwd, Recover, ¼ Side, Weave, Side Rock, 1 ¼ Roll (or ¼ shuffle fwd)
1Large step fwd on R (punch R arm out to R side)
2Large step fwd on L (punch L arm out to L side)
3&Rock R fwd (point both index fingers fwd), recover weight back onto L (point thumbs to yourself)
4Turn ¼ R whilst stepping/rocking R to R side (3:00) (push both palms down, waist height)
5&6&7Step L to L side, step R behind L, step L to L side, cross R over L, rock/step L to L side
8Turn ¼ R stepping fwd on R (6:00)
&Make ½ turn R stepping back on L
1Make a further ½ turn over R and begin the dance again by stepping R fwd (1)
(Option: to replace counts 8&1, simply complete a ¼ shuffle forward: Count 1 when finishing the shuffle is the start of the dance)

TAG B (4 counts)
Complete the following 4 counts after walls 3(12:00),6 (12:00),8 (12:00) ,9 (6:00)
Rocking Chair, 2x Pivots
1&2&Rock fwd on R, recover back onto L, rock back onto R, recover weight fwd onto L
3&4&Step R fwd, pivot ½ over L, Step R fwd, pivot ½ over L

.8c TAG
.32 +4c TAG
.8c TAG
.32 +4c TAG
.32 +4c TAG
.32 +4c TAG
.16 (finish)

Contact: +61430346939 - -
BIG thank you to Rachael McEnaney-White for your contributions


OLDSALTY February 14, 2017
Hi Maddison

This has got to be the time when you have a dance at the top of the viewing charts.Love this dance your talent is blatantly obvious, hope this dance gets you the worldwide recognition you deserve.


piggles February 23, 2017
Love this dance, my fave at the moment!

Sannika February 27, 2017
A great dance, a dancers dance! Well done!!!!

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