CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Good Morning Beautiful

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Mark Simpkin (AUS) & Kate Moore (AUS)
Good Morning Beautiful - Steve Holy
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1-2Rock/step right over left, replace weight on left
&3-4Ball step right to side, rock/step left over right, replace weight on right
&5&6Ball step left to side, cross right over left, turning ¼ right step left back, turning ¼ right, big step right to side dragging left
7-8Cross right over left, replace weight on right
&1&2Step left to side, cross right over left, turning ¼ right step left back, step right back
&3Cross left over right, rock back on right
4Rock forward on left turning ½ turn left
5-6Rock right forward, replace weight on left
7-8Sweeping right foot around step back on right, sweeping left foot around step back on left
Restart from here on wall 6, making a ¼ turn left on count 16
&1&2&Ball step right back, step left forward, pivot ½ turn on right, step forward left, pivot ½ turn on right
3-4Rock forward left, replace weight on right
&5&6&Making ¼ turn left step left to side, cross right over left, step left to side, step right behind, step left to left side
Restart from here on wall 5
7-8Sway right, sway left
1-2Turning ¼ turn left rock right forward, replace weight on left
&3&4Making ½ turn right step on ball of right, turning ¼ turn right step left to left side, step ball of right foot slightly back, cross left over right (turning side ball cross)
Restart from here on wall 3
5&6Step right to right side, step ball of left slightly back, cross right over left (side ball cross)
&7-8Step ball of left to left side, cross right over left, taking big step left drag right

On wall 3, dance up to count 28
On wall 5, dance up to count 22
On wall 6, dance up to count 16, making a ¼ turn left on count 16


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