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Give It To Me !

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Julie Carr (UK) - June 2008
Give It To Me - Madonna
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Section 1: R , 1/2 turn, L¼ Turn, L ½ Turn ¾ Turn R .
1-2 Step forward on L Pivot ½ turn R
3-4 Cross L over R 1/4 turn L as you step back onto R
5-6 Make ½ turn L as you step forward on to L over L shoulder . Then Step forward onto your R.
7-8 ¾ Hinge Turn. Step forward L ¼ turn R. ½ turn R over R shoulder. Weight on R foot. (Face back)

Section 2: L cross rock Recover , ¼ turn L, Full turn R, ¼ Turn L
1-2 Cross rock L over R recover weight onto R.
3-4 Make ¼ turn L as you step forward on L . step forward R
5-6 Full turn to R. as you Step back on L make ½ turn . step forward on to R make 1/2 turn
7-8 Step onto L pivot ¼ turn L. as you touch R by L .
Weight on L. (Face Front)

Section 3: Travelling to R, L Toe & Heel Swivels, R knee hitch back forth
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 Swivel L, foot flat along floor, Turn Left toe in, then L heel in, toe in, and so on
(travelling along the floor towards right, At the same time do following) ,
Hitch your right knee up in front and over your left knee and then back behind left knee 8 times travelling R
(*Easy Alternative - do Dwight walks (travelling to the right 8 times) (Face Front)

Section 4: R side rock R cross shuffle R ½ turn, L Cross shuffle.
1-2 Rock right foot out to right and recover the weight onto you left
3&4 Right cross shuffle travelling left . Stepping R,L,R over left
5-6 Step Left to left make ½ turn R over right shoulder onto R foot
7&8 Left cross shuffle travelling R stepping L.R.L (Face Back)

Section 5: Left ¼ turn, Toe struts with Hip bumps forward, L Forward rock recover .
1-2 Step to Right pivot ¼ turn left , hitch L foot up
3-4 Left toe strut forward with Left hip bump travelling forward
5-6 Right toe strut forward with R hip bump travelling forward .
7-8 L forward rock recover back on R. (3 Clock Wall)

Section 6: L coaster. R forward rock recover. Full triple turn R. Left forward rock recover
1&2 L coaster step = L back, Step R next right forward on L.
3-4 R forward rock recover back onto L
5&6 R triple Full turn to R, Stepping R,L,R
7&8 Left forward rock recover back onto R

Section 7: Triple ¾ Turn L, Toe /Heel 1/2 turns with hip Bumps
1&2 Make a triple ¾ turn to L .Stepping L,R,L as you turn .
3-4 step R toe forward heel up, make ½ L turn R heel down.
5-6 step L toe behind & L heel down as you make ½ turn L (Face back wall)
7-8 Tap R toe by R foot & step forward (weight on R foot.)

Section 8: Walk forward 3 times, Hitch R knee. Mash Potatoes going back 4 times
1-2-3-4 Walk forward 3 times stepping ,L.R. L, hitch up R knee, (styling - bend forward as if hit in stomach)
&5&6 Swing R leg out to R Step back onto it . Swing L leg out to L and step back onto it
&7&8 (Repeat &5&6 counts)
& Transfer weight onto R (6 O'Clock wall)


Yippee! no tags or restarts

The Music does change in places, just carry on, the beat comes back

The Dance Studio - Tel 07776450866


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