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Electric Love

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Amy Glass (USA) - September 2017
Electric Love - Serena Ryder : (iTunes)
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#24 Count Intro. Phrasing: 64, 56, 64, 56, 32, 4, 64, 28

[1-8] Rock Fwd, Triple Back, & Point, Flick, Triple Fwd
1-2Rock fwd on RF, Recover weight back on LF
3&4Triple back RLR (lock step option)
&5Open body up ¼ L stepping side L, Point RF to R
6Step fwd on RF (turn ¼ R) 12:00 while flicking LF back
7&8Triple fwd LRL (lock step option)

[9-16] Jazz w/ Cross ¼ R, Hip Roll, Behind Side Cross
1-2Cross RF over LF, Step LF back turning ¼ R (3:00)
3-4Side R, Cross LF over RF
5-6Roll hips counter clockwise while stepping RF to R
7&8Step LF behind RF, RF to R, Cross LF over RF

[17-24] Rock Recover, R Sailor ½ (over rotate), Fwd L, Rock Fwd Recover Close, Fwd L
1-2Rock RF to R, Recover weight on LF
3&4Sailor ½ R (step RLR) but over rotate 1/8 to face 10:30
5-6&7(10:30) Step fwd L, Press RF fwd, Recover back on LF, Close RF next to LF pushing hips back
8Step fwd L

[25-32] Step Pivot 1/8, Side Rock Cross w/ ¼ L, Side L Drag, Heels-Toes-Heels
1-2Step fwd on RF, Pivot ¼ L (7:30)
3&4Rock RF to R, Recover weight on LF while turning 1/8 L, Cross RF over LF (6:00)
5-6Step Side L, Drag RF next to LF
7&8Swivel both heels R, Swivel both toes to R, Swivel both heels to R (weighting LF)
TAG ** : Wall 5

[33-40] Cross Samba x2, ¼ R Diamond (Cross Side Behind, Behind Side Cross)
1&2Cross RF over LF, Rock LF to L, Recover R
3&4Cross LF over RF, Rock RF to R, Recover L
5&6Cross RF over LF, Step LF side, Step RF back (all while turning 1/8 R) (7:30)
7&8Step LF behind RF, Step RF to R, Cross LF over RF (while turning 1/8 R) (9:00)

[41-48] Rock Recover, Behind Side Cross, Rock L, Recover, Ball Step, Pivot ½ L
1-2Rock RF to R, Recover weight on LF
3&4Step RF behind LF, LF to L, Cross RF over LF
5-6Rock LF to L, Recover weight to RF
&7-8Step ball of LF next to RF, Step RF fwd, Pivot ½ L (3:00)

[49-56] Cross Samba x2, ¼ R Diamond
1&2Cross RF over LF, Rock LF to L, Recover R
3&4Cross LF over RF, Rock RF to R, Recover L
5&6Cross RF over LF, Step LF side, Step RF back (all while turning 1/8 R) (4:30)
7&8Step LF behind RF, Step RF to R, Cross LF over RF (while turning 1/8 R) (6:00)
Restart here following walls 2 & 4 (facing 12:00)

[57-64] Rock Recover, Behind Side Cross, Point L, Point R, Point L, Hitch, Step
1-2Rock RF to R, Recover weight on LF
3&4Step RF behind LF, LF to L, Cross RF over LF
5&6&Point LF to L, Step LF next to RF, Point RF to R, Step RF next to LF
7&8Point LF to L, Hitch L, Step LF down next to RF

TAG **During wall 5, after 32 counts, facing 6:00, then Restart the dance
[1-4] Cross Point x2
1-2Step fwd RF, Point LF to L
3-4Step fwd LF, Point RF to R

Ending during wall 7 (to finish facing 12:00)
Counts 25-28
25-26Step fwd on RF, Pivot 3/8 L (6:00)
27&28Chase ½ turn to 12:00: Step RF fwd, Pivot ½ L, Step fwd RF



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