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Double Shot Of Love

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Improver / Lower Intermediate
Peter Metelnick (UK) & Alison Metelnick (UK) - February 2010
Love Love - Amy Macdonald : (CD: A Curious Thing)
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Start on verse vocals 72 count intro, 30 seconds into the song.

(1-8) Grapevine R with ¼ R & scuff, L fwd & side rock & recover
1-4 Step R side, cross L behind R, turning ¼ right step R forward, scuff L forward (3 o’clock)
5-8 Rock L forward, recover weight on R, rock L side, recover weight on R

(9-16) L together, ¼ R monterey, L side, R rock back & recover, R side strut
1-4 Step L together, point R side, turning ¼ right step R together, STEP L side (6 o’clock)
5-8 Rock R back, recover weight on L, touch R toes side, step R heel down

(17-24) L cross strut, grapevine R with ¼ & hold, L fwd, ¼ R pivot turn
1-4 Cross & touch L toes over R, step L heel down, step R side, cross step L behind R
5-6 Turning ¼ right step R forward, hold (9 o’clock)
7-8 Step L forward, pivot ¼ right (12 o’clock)

(25-32) L cross step, hold, ½ L hinge, R cross step, hold, L side, R together
1-2 Cross step L over R, hold
3-6 Turning ¼ left step R back, turning ¼ left step L side, cross step R over L, hold (6 o’clock)
7-8 Step L side, step R together

(33-40) L fwd, R touch tog, R & L hip bumps, R side, L together, R back, hold
1-4 Step L forward, touch R together, bump hips R & L
5-8 Step R side, step L together, step R back, hold (or touch L together)

(41-48) Step L side, touch R together, step R side, touch L together, step L side, touch R heel forward, R back, cross L
1-4 Step L side, touch R together, step R side, touch L together
5-8 Step L side, touch R heel forward, step R back, cross step L over R

(49-56) ¼ L & R back, L heel fwd, L together, R heel forward, ¼ L & R back, L heel fwd, L together, R fwd
1-2 Turning ¼ left step R back, touch L heel forward (3 o’clock)
3-4 Step L together, touch R heel forward
5-8 Turning ¼ left R back, touch L heel forward, step L together, step R forward (12 o’clock)

BIG ENDING: You will be facing your 9 o’clock wall execute counts 49 – 55 and add the following extra 3 counts
1-3 R heel forward, turning ¼ L step R back, step L forward strike a pose! (12 o’clock)
Also please note the music will slow down at the start of the big ending but just carry on through.

(57-64) ‘Run’ fwd L, R, L, hold/scuff, ¼ R jazz box cross
1-4 Step L forward, step R together, step L forward, hold (or scuff R forward)
5-8 Cross R over L, turning ¼ right step L back, step R side, cross step L over R (3 o’clock)
NOTE: on counts 57 -59 you can do a full RIGHT turn going forward in your LOD

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