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DJ Got Us Fallin In Love

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Roy Hadisubroto (IRE), Raymond Sarlemijn (NL) & Fiona Murray (IRE) - February 2017
DJ Got us Fallin' In Love - Usher
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S1: Mambo right, mambo left, mambo forward, mambo forward
1RF right
&Recover weight LF
2RF close LF
3LF left
&Recover weight RF
4LF close RF
5¼ turn left, RF right
&¼ turn right, recover weight LF
6RF close LF
7¼ turn right, LF left.
&¼ turn left, recover weight RF

S2: Skate right skate left, chassee right, skate left, right, chassee left
1RF skate rigt
2LF skate left
3RF skate right
&LFclose RF
4RF right
5LF skate left
6RF skate right
7LF left
&RF close LF
8LF left.

S3: Cross forward, back,, chassee right, cross forward, ½ turn left, sailor step
1RF cross forward LF
2LF step back
3RF right
&LF close RF
4RF right.
5LF cross forward RF
6½ turn left, RF step back
7LF step back
&RF close LF
8LF step forward

S4: Walk, walk, walk, hold, walk, walk, walk, hold
1RF forward.
2LF forward.
3RF forward.
5LF forward.
6RF forward.
7LF forward.

S5: ½ Paddle turn, kick and rock, kick and rock.
1RF paddle right.
21/8 turn left, paddle RF.
31/8 turn left, paddle RF.
41/8 turn left, paddle RF.
&weight on LF.
5RF kick forward.
&weight on RF
6rock LF.
&Weight on RF
7Kick LF forward.
&Weight on LF.
8Rock RF.
&Weight on LF.

S6: ½ Paddle turn, kick and rock, kick and rock.
1RF paddle right.
21/8 turn left, paddle RF.
31/8 turn left, paddle RF.
41/8 turn left, paddle RF.
&weight on LF.
5RF kick forward.
&weight on RF
6rock LF.
&Weight on RF
7Kick LF forward.
&Weight on LF.
8Rock RF.
&Weight on LF.

S7: ¼ turn jazz box, v step with a cross
1RF cross over LF.
2LF step back.
3¼ turn right, RF forward.
4LF forward.
5RF diagonal right.
6LF diagonal left.
7RF back.
8LF cross RF.

S8: Point eyes/ sholder movements, close.
1point to right eye, while doing this pop right sholder.
2Point to left eye, while doing this pop left sholder.
3Point to left eye, while doing this pop right sholder.
5Point to left eye, while doing this pop left sholder.
&Point to right eye, while doing this pop right sholder.
6Point to left eye, while doing this pop left sholder.
8LF close right RF
Only point to your eyes when the artist sings about eyes


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