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Dance For Evermore

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Laura Sway (UK) - February 2017
Dance for Evermore - Si Cranstoun
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Notes: x2 Restarts :-)
Count in: 16 counts

[1-8] Figure of 8 to the R
1234-Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right ¼ turn to the right, step forward on the left.
5678-Continue to turn to face 12.00over right shoulder, step left to left side, step right behind left, step left ¼ turn left. (9.00)

[9-16] x2 Toe struts Fwd, R rocking chair
1234-Touch right toe forward, push heel down, repeat on the left foot.
5678-Rock forward on the right, recover weight onto left, rock back on the right, recover weight onto left.

[17-24] x2 pivot ¼ turns L, R jazz box with a cross.
1234-step forward on the right, pivot ¼ turn left. Repeat again (3.00) ( optional-circle hips )
5678-cross right over left, step back on the left, step right slightly to right side, step left across right.

[25-32] Shimmy to the R, touch L, Grapevine L touch R
1234-making a big step right shimmy shoulders and touch left beside right on count 4.
5678-Step left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left side, touch right slightly to right side.
(Restart here on wall 3… Grapevine ¼ turn touch facing 12.00. Restart )

[33-40] Turning vine R scuffing L foot, L shuffle fwd step pivot ½ L.
1234-Travelling to the right make a full turn stepping right left right , scuff the left foot.
5&678-step forward on the left, step right to left, step forward on the left, step forward on the right, pivot ½ turn over left shoulder weight on the left.

[41-48] x2 walks R,L , R shuffle fwd, Step L pivot ¼ R, cross L, Clap.
123&4-step forward on the right, step forward on the left, Step forward on the right, step left to right, step forward on the right.
5678-step forward on the left, pivot ¼ turn right (12.00) step left across right, clap.

[49-56] ¼ Monterey R, together, twist heels toes heels toes.
1234-Point right to right side, close right to left making ¼ turn right, point left to left side, step left next to right. (3.00)
5678-twist both heels to right, both toes, both heels, both toes.
( Restart here on wall 6- change to x2 Monterey ¼ turns to face back wall 6.00 restart )

[57-64] ¼ Monterey R, together, jump fwd clap, jump back clap.
1234-Point right to right side, close right to left making ¼ turn right (6.00) point left to left side, step left next to right.
&56&78-jump feet forward step out right left, clap, jump back in stepping right left, clap.


Wall 3- Section 4 take the grapevine on counts 5678 ¼ turn to the front wall, touch right beside left. Ready to restart the dance.

Wall 6- section 7 after the first Monterey ¼ turn, miss the twists out and go straight into another Monterey ¼ turn right facing the back wall, restart the dance again.



BrianS56 March 6, 2017
I like the music but I am confused as to why yet another dance to this track, already 8 out there.

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