CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Coochie Bang Bang

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High Intermediate
Scott Blevins (USA) - May 2009
Miss Kiss Kiss Bang (Radio Version) - Alex Swings Oscar Sings! : (CD: Miss Kiss Kiss Bang - EP)
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8 Count intro - Start when vocals kick in.

(1 – 8)
1-2 1) Touch L toe across and in front of R; 2) Step L to left side
3-4 3) Touch R toe across and in front of L; 4) Step R to right side
5-6 5) Rock L across and in front of R; 6) Recover onto R
7&8 7) Step L to left side; &) Step R next to L; 8) Turning ¼ turn to left, step fwd on L (¼ turning shuffle) [9:00]

(9 -16)
1-2 1) Turning ½ to left, step back on R; 2) Turning ½ to left, step fwd on L
3-4 3) Rock forward on R; 4) Recover to L
&5-6 &) Step R to right side; 5) Step L to left side; 6) Step R across and in front of L
7-8 7) Slowly lift L up and across R; 8) Step L across and in front of R

1-2 1) Turning ¼ to right, step fwd on R; 2) Turning ¼ to right, step fwd on L
3-4 3) Turning ¼ to right, step fwd on R; 4) Step fwd on L
5-6 5) Turning ½ to left, step back on R; 6) Turning ¼ to left, step L to left side [9:00]
7-8 7) Rock R across and in front of L; 8) Recover to L

1&2 1) Step R to right side; &) Step L next to R; 2) Turning ¼ to right, step fwd on R (¼ turning shuffle)
3-4 3) Step fwd on L; 4) Pivot ½ turn right taking weight on R
5-6-7 5) Turning ½ to right, step back on L; 6) Step back on R; 7) Step back on L
8 8) Turning ½ to right, step fwd on R [6:00]

1-2 1) Step fwd on L; 2) Turning ¼ to left, rock R to right side
3-4 3) Recover weight to L; 4) Step R across and in front of L [3:00]
5&6 5) Step L to left side; &) Step R next to L; 6) Turning ¼ to right, step back on L (¼ turning shuffle) [6:00]
7&8 7) Turning ¼ to right, step R to right side; &) Step L next to R; 8) Turning ¼ to right, step fwd on R (½ turning shuffle) [12]

1-2 1) Step fwd on L; 2) Pivot ¼ right taking weight on R
3-4 3) Step L across and in front of R; 4) Step R to right side [3:00]
5-6-a-7 5) Step L behind R; 6) Hold; a) Step R to right side; 7) Step L across and in front of R (Burn-Burn-Burn)
8 8) Turning ¼ to right, step fwd on R [6:00]

1 1) Point L to left side
2-3-4 2) Step L across and in front of R while twisting body to the right from the waist down; 3) Step R to right side while untwisting lower body; 4) Step L across and in front of R while twisting body to the right from the waist down
5-6 5) Point R to right side and untwist lower body; 6) Step R across and in front of L
&7-8 &) Step ball of L a small step to left side; 7) Step R to right side; 8) Step L across and in front of R [6:00]

1-2 1) Kick R foot forward, toward 7 O’clock; 2) Turning ½ to right, step fwd on R [12:00]
3&4 3) Turning ¼ to right, step L to left side; &) Step R next to L; 4) Turning ¼ to right, step back on L (½ turning shuffle)
5-6 5) Turning ¼ to right, step R to right side; 6) Step L across and in front of R
7&8 7&8) Shuffle side right, R-L-R [9:00]

The Tags and Ending.
Note: Both tags will happen when facing the back wall.
*1st Tag: This tag will happen in the 2nd rotation. It will start on count 29 replacing steps 5-8 of the 4th set of 8. Breakdown below.
Replacement steps for counts 29-32
5-6-7-8 5) Turning ¼ turn to right, step L a big step to left; 6-7-8) Drag R to L keeping weight on L.
Remaining Steps for 1st Tag 1-16
1-2-3-4 1) Step R across and in front of L and extend arms out to sides, shoulder high (arms will be in this position for 1-8); 2) Hold position and snap fingers; 3) Step L across and in front of R; 4) Hold position and snap fingers
5-6-7-8 5-8) Repeat 1-2-3-4.

1-2-3-4 1) Step R across and in front of L; 2) Step back on L; 3) Step R to right side; 4) Step L across and in front of R
5-6 5) Step R to right side; 6) Step L behind R
7&8 7&8) Shuffle side right, R-L-R. Start from beginning of dance.

*2nd Tag This tag will happen in the 5th rotation immediately after count 32. None of the original 64 steps will be replaced.
1-2-3-4 1) Step L to left side; 2) Hold; 3) Step R across and in front of L; 4) Hold
5-6-7 5) Step back on L; 6) Hold; 7) Step R to right side
a-8-1 a) Torque upper body to L shifting weight to L; 8) Hold; 1) Release torque and return weight to R.
2-3 2-3) Hold both counts
a-4-& a) Transfer weight to L; 4) Step R across and in front of L; &) Step back on L foot
5-6-7-8 5-6) Hold both counts; 7) Turning ¼ to right, step fwd on R; 8) Hold
1-2 1) Step L across and in front of R; 2) Hold
3&4 3&4) Shuffle side right, R-L-R. Start from beginning of dance.

Ending: You will dance through count 32 as normal. There will be one more beat, point L to left side with both hands out to sides about waist high palms facing forward and fingers spread open. You will be facing the original front wall.
Have fun and enjoy!


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