CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Bad Influence

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Mark Furnell (UK), Jo Kinser (UK) & John Kinser (UK) - March 2009
Bad Influence - P!nk
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Start on the verse 32 counts in

Step Touch, Step Touch, Kick And Cross, Step Back, Turn ¼ Left
1-2 Step right to side, touch left together
3-4 Step left to side, touch right together
5&6 Kick right low forward, step right back, cross left over right
7-8 Step back right, turn ¼ left and step left to side

Right Shuffle Forward, Left Rock Step, Back, Swivel, Center, Swivel
1&2 Step right forward, step left together, step right forward
3-4 Rock left forward, recover to right
5-6 Step left back, swivel toes right
7-8 Swivel toes center, swivel toes right (weight left)

Cross, ¼ Turn, Right Rock Step, Full Turn, Right Shuffle Forward
1-2 Cross right over left, turn ¼ right and step left back
3-4 Step right back, step left forward (toe turned out)
5-6 Turn ½ left and step right back, turn ½ left and step left forward
7&8 Step right forward, step left together, step right forward

Rock Step, Left Shuffle Back, Rock Step, Full Turn
1-2 Rock left forward, recover to right
3&4 Step left back, step right together, step left back
5-6 Rock right back, recover to left (toe turned out)
7-8 Turn ½ left and step right back, turn ½ left and step left forward

Right, Hold, Left, Hold, Cross, Cross, Butt, Butt (Macarena Style)
1-2 Step right to side (right hand up to right side), hold
3-4 Step left to side (left hand up to left side), hold
5-6 Step right in place (right hand on left hip), step left in place (left hand on right hip)
7-8 Step right in place (right hand on right buttock), step left in place (left hand on left buttock)

Right Toe Strut, Left Toe Strut, Right Rocking Chair
1-4 Step right toe forward, drop right heel, step left toe forward, drop left heel
5-8 Rock right forward, recover to left, rock right back, recover to left

Step Forward Right, Left ¼ Turn, Right Cross & Cross, Turn ½ Right, Left Cross & Cross
1-2 Step right forward, turn ¼ left and step left to side
3&4 Cross right over left, step left to side, cross right over left
5-6 Turn ¼ right and step left back, turn ¼ right and step right to side
7&8 Cross left over right, step right to side, cross left over right

Monterey ½ Turn, Heel, Hitch, Turn Step
1-4 Point right to side, turn ½ right and step right together, point left to left, step left together
5-6 Touch right heel forward, turn ¼ right and hitch right knee
7-8 Step right forward, turn ¼ right and step left to side


RESTART: Restart AFTER count 16 on walls 2 and 5

ENDING: Facing front, step right to side, both hands up


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