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A Thing About Lovin You

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Pat Stott (UK) & Heather Barton (SCO) - January 2017
I've Got a Thing About You Baby - Elvis Presley : (Cd: Wonder of You, iTunes etc)
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Intro 16 counts from the whistling - approx 13 seconds

1-4.Right toe forward, step back on right, left toe back, step forward on left
5-8.Right toe forward, step back on right, left toe back, step forward on left

Diagonal running locks forward, mambo, lock step back
1&2.Right to right diagonal, lock left behind right, right to right diagonal
&3&.Left to left diagonal, lock right behind left, left to left diagonal
4.Forward on right
5&6.Rock forward on left, recover on right, step slightly back on left
7&8.Back on right, cross left over right, back on right

Sweep into 1/4 sailor left, cross rock side, cross rock side, cross, unwind 1/2 left
& 1&2.Sweep left round, cross left behind right, turn 1/4 left stepping right to Right, step left to left
3&4.Cross right over left, recover on left, right to right
5&6.Cross left over right, recover on right, left to left
7-8.Cross right over left, unwind 1/2 left transferring weight to left
(Optional styling: arms out to sides and bend knees slightly as you turn)

Cross, back, push hips right, left, right, left, cross, back, side, rock, tap
1-2.Cross right over left, step back on left
3.Touch right to right and push hips to right and up
&4&.Recover hips to centre, push hips to right and up, recover hips to centre
(Weight on left, the right toe is out to the side and in contact with the floor during the hip pushes)
(Step change and Restart during walls 2 & 4 here)
5-6.Cross right over left, back on left
7&8.Rock right to right, recover on left, tap right next to left

Begin dance again

Restart during walls 2 (6 o'clock) & 4 (12 o'clock)
Dance 28& counts of the dance then add:
Tap right next to left, hold & clap

Ending: After the running locks turn 1/4 right and jump forward onto left with arms out to sides "Taaaa Daaaa!!"

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yvonne55 January 13, 2017
very nice dance

dancer33 January 17, 2017
Great little easy dance to a fab song

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